What does moisture re-eat

Many friends find themselves experiencing dizziness, sticky stools, weak limbs, and loss of appetite. In fact, these symptoms are often related to the weight of moisture, so if you want to alleviate these symptoms, you need to understand the method of dehumidification. Generally speaking, you can get rid of moisture through your diet. So, what does heavy moisture eat?

1. Mung bean. People with heavy moisture can eat mung beans, because mung beans have the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, dehumidifying and diuretic, etc. The way to eat mung beans is very simple. Usually, you can boil mung bean soup. First wash and soak the mung beans, then put it in the pot, and cook the mung beans. You can add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to season before leaving the pot.

2. Barley. It is also called coix seed, which can remove dampness and diuresis. For friends who have heavy moisture, you may wish to drink barley porridge. First prepare the right amount of barley, lily and honey, then clean the barley and lily, put it into the pot, add the right amount of water, cook until the barley and lily are cooked, add the right amount of honey before the pot, stir well and serve.

3. Chixiaodou. Friends with heavy moisture can also eat Chixiaodou because Chixiaodou has the effects of clearing heat, diuresis, swelling, and dehumidification, which is very suitable for friends with heavy moisture. Chixiaodou can usually be boiled for soup. The specific method is also very simple. Just clean the chixiaodou and the appropriate amount of water into the pot, cook until the chichidou is cooked and ready to eat.