Can you eat walnuts if you drink alcohol

Many people like to have dinner with family or friends, and they must drink alcohol during the dinner. After drinking alcohol, you can’t eat with anything. Some people are unclear and don’t even know how to solve the pain after drinking. So, can you eat walnuts while drinking?

Patients ca n’t eat walnuts when drinking, and they will contain more nutrients, such as minerals, protein and fat. The properties of walnuts are hot, and eating too much will easily get angry. The wine is sweet and hot. If the two foods are eaten together, it is easy to cause body heat. Mild patients will have dry cough, and severe patients will have nosebleeds. If you have tuberculosis and bronchiectasis, you should not drink alcohol, otherwise it will cause hemoptysis and have a certain impact on the body.

Patients cannot drink on an empty stomach, otherwise alcohol-induced hypoglycemia may easily occur, and symptoms such as coma, paleness, drowsiness, and cold sweat may occur. Or you can drink hot milk or soy milk before drinking, which can ease the absorption of alcohol, protect the gastric mucosa, and promote the decomposition of alcohol.

Do n’t mix up with other beverages while drinking, otherwise it ’s easy to get drunk. Especially carbonated drinks such as Coke and Sprite will release carbon dioxide to the stomach after consumption, which will promote the time for the body to absorb alcohol, and it will be easier to get drunk.