Peach kernel can eat

Strengthening nutrition during pregnancy can ensure the healthy development of the fetus. Nuts eaten every day not only contain more plant protein and fat, but also contain many trace elements. Reasonable consumption of nuts is very beneficial to health during pregnancy, but some nuts may not be suitable for pregnant women to eat. So, can peach kernels be eaten?

Pregnant women should eat less or no peach kernels. Although peach kernel is a popular nut with high nutritional content, peach kernel contains some substances from almond, which will release the toxic substance hydrocyanic acid after hydrolysis.

Peach kernels will contain this substance if there is no good treatment. After the peach kernel is chewed, the substance will hydrolyze, releasing the toxic substance hydrocyanic acid. This toxin is absorbed by the body and enters the cell where it is combined with pigment oxidase, which will cause abnormal cells, leading to symptoms of poisoning.

Pregnant women often experience symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and headache after consuming excessive peach kernels. In severe cases, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and unconsciousness may occur. Difficult and life-threatening. This will undoubtedly endanger the mother’s own health and affect fetal development. Therefore, according to the principle of safe diet during pregnancy, it is not recommended to eat peach kernels.

Many people want to eat more peach kernels to supplement vitamin e in the body, but this idea is incorrect. If you really want to eat, you can eat some, but if you eat too much, it will still cause adverse effects on the body. Therefore, if you want to add nutrition, you can eat pecans or pecans.