Can diarrhea eat lean egg porridge with preserved eggs < / p>

Eggs are the most common food in people ’s daily lives and an essential food in the family. Some people like to eat eggs, some people like preserved eggs. But people who have diarrhea have many taboos in their diet. Can diarrhea eat lean porridge with preserved eggs?

If you have mild diarrhea, you can eat lean porridge with preserved eggs. Preserved egg lean meat porridge can provide sufficient nutrition, protein and salt are very rich, can relieve diarrhea. However, if the diarrhea is severe, it is not suitable to eat lean porridge with preserved eggs, should eat more rice soup, noodles and other foods. Because this food is easier to digest, lean porridge with preserved eggs may put a strain on the stomach and intestines, leading to more severe diarrhea.

The human body is indeed relatively lacking in nutrients after diarrhea. Appropriate consumption of preserved egg and lean meat porridge can supplement various nutrients. It should be noted that the preserved egg needs to be eaten immediately after opening, because if the preserved egg is not eaten 1-2 hours after opening, it is easy to be infected with Salmonella, which is a harmful bacteria and has a bad effect on the body. If you eat food that is infected with salmonella for a long time, it is also easy to cause poisoning.

It should be noted that even if preserved eggs are placed in the refrigerator, salmonella will multiply. Therefore, this is not to say that opened eggs can be kept in the refrigerator until the next meal. Salmonella in the refrigerator will still multiply, and at a temperature of 70-80 degrees, the salmonella will not die within 5 minutes. Therefore, do not eat preserved eggs stored in the refrigerator for more than an hour or two.