Can cod fish be eaten

Many parents have heard that codfish is rich in dha, which is especially suitable for babies. But I also heard that many of the codfish are fake now, or they are good enough. In this way, many parents dare not eat cod for their babies. So, can codfish be eaten?

First of all, codfish actually refers to naked capped fish, which can also become blue cod or black cod. Of course, codfish can be eaten. This is a deep-sea fish, where the content of dha is higher than other cod. In addition, the codfish is a deep-sea fish, which is rarely polluted, so it is very clean, and the codfish have few spines, which is still very suitable for babies to eat.

Secondly, the fish protein rich in codfish is very high-quality. If you let your baby eat codfish, the baby can easily digest it. For the baby ’s brain development, it also has physical fitness All have a very good enhancement effect. Many people think that codfish can not be eaten, mainly because some people use oily fish to pretend to be codfish. The fake codfish must not be given to the baby.

Real cod is relatively rare, so the price will be relatively expensive. If the cheaper codfish is generally fake, then the codfish must not be given to the baby. If you want to eat cod for your baby, parents should learn some methods to distinguish between true and false cod, so that it is convenient to buy cod.