Can mothers eat lotus seed cores

The lotus seed core is the green germ in the center of the lotus seed. The lotus seed heart has a certain effect on relief, heat removal, hemostasis, blood pressure lowering, heart fire relief, and blood pressure lowering. Lotus seed heart can also play a role in mouth sore, insomnia and other symptoms. So good things with such diverse functions, can a parturient eat a lotus seed core?

First of all, parturients can eat lotus seeds, lotus seeds have certain effects on maternal qi and blood, peace of mind, maternal months are prone to depression, eat more calming things There are still benefits. Moreover, maternal qi and blood deficiency, you can properly eat some lotus seeds to supplement qi and blood. In addition, lotus seed heart is also an indispensable tonic and can also help maternal recovery.

Secondly, after giving birth, a woman ’s body will have a lack of blood and qi. You should eat more warm food and less cold food to help the woman recover. Cold foods are not easy to digest. Maternal women try to eat less or not . It is not good for the stomach and intestines and damages the health of the body.

Finally, after giving birth, you can eat lotus seed cores to replenish qi and blood and rest assured. Lotus seeds go to the heart and help sleep. Postpartum consumption can improve the quality of sleep of the mother. With good sleep, you will have a good body. However, any food should be eaten properly, not more. Maternity should be cautious in the choice of food, not too picky. Otherwise, picky eating can easily lead to malnutrition.