The layoffs are not terrible, what is terrible is that the outside world is undergoing great changes, but you are still indifferent.

Editor’s note: This article from the micro-channel public number “LinkedIn” (ID: LinkedIn-China) , of: Ding Luyao.

Starting in 2020, let us challenge a “HARD” model. Many people worry about their jobs. In addition to middle-aged people who are full of anxiety, young people also start to rethink the next step in career development.

According to data from LinkedIn research, 70% of people in the workplace said their career development was affected during the epidemic.

The most common impact is the unclear direction of development (44%); the second is the reduction of salary and benefits (35%); the third is the sudden reduction in workload and the obstruction of promotion opportunities (25%); It also reached 14%.

A few days ago, a post-90s student whom I had trained suddenly approached me on WeChat, saying that the company encountered a crisis and was about to lay off staff, and he was on the list. What should I do?

As an HR, I told him about one thing during the interview.

Three years ago, our company newly established a brand department, and we need to find a brand director whose annual salary can reach 500,000.

A 28-year-old candidate applied with a resume. Although he is not old, he has rich professional experience and has also worked as a brand manager of a listed company.

Through the interview, I learned that he experienced ups and downs and suffered layoffs shortly after graduation.

I’m curious. In the face of such setbacks, how did he step back in the workplace step by step?

The candidate told me that the night he was dissuaded, he had his first in-depth thinking in his life, and he considered two main issues:

1. Why is it that I cut the person, not someone else?

2. What kind of development can I have after leaving the company?

He wanted to understand the truth: lack of career planning and lack of execution.

So, he set goals for himself, hoping to spend two years digging deeper into the field of marketing and planning before moving to management positions.

After finding the right position, he paid more than ordinary people’s efforts, writing copywriting, designing, leading the team, while still studying MBA, from a general staff to a brand manager, Has become a leader in the field.

Talking about what he was most grateful for these years, he quipped, “If it is destined to experience layoffs, it is fortunate to be laid off when I am young!”

His experience and professional abilities impressed all interviewers, and finally got an offer.

Yoshimoto Yamamoto said: “I can’t see this thing myself. I will bump into something else and bounce back to understand myself.”

In the epidemic situation, some people may not be spared from being laid off, but this does not mean that everything is over. Downsizing is a crisis, but it is also a good opportunity to reorganize and combine personal strengths. Read the story and read the path ahead, and destiny will be firmly in your hands.

1 Cognitive differences, thinking patterns, is the root cause of the inability to counterattack after being laid off

More than 20 years ago, when a person named Li Yong was looking for a job in Shenzhen, he met Pan Shiyi, who was also in poverty.

At that time, the two had moved bricks together on the construction site and also sold telephones. Anyone who can earn a little money is particularly satisfied; Pan Shiyi is different. In his view, it is not a long-term plan. His goal is to change his destiny.

Pan Shiyi and Li Yong went to Haikou to contract the brick factory, but it was not long before they lost their savings. At this time, Li Yong retreated, he rejected Pan Shiyi’s invitation to continue to run, and the two parted ways.

Later, Pan Shiyi found new opportunities in the real estate industry and earned 3 million yuan in one fell swoop. He grew bigger and bigger, became the chairman of SOHO, worth tens of billions.

While Li Yong continued to wander around, he also worked as a small worker on the SOHO site.

Why is there such a big gap between two people who have worked side by side?

In the final analysis, the most fundamental difference between people is their thinking pattern.

Some bricks are also placed on the ground. Some people see a mess of stones; some people see its composition and function; others see the skyscraper it is building.

In the TV series “Ode to Joy”, Qu Xiaoshuang once said, “What is the limitation? The limitation is that the wood-cutters thought that the emperor picked Jin Biandan.”

The appearance of this world depends on your gaze. Everything you see is a projection of the mindset, or wind and rain, or a meter of sunlight.

Not long ago, a man and IA middle-aged friend chatted. He has been in the industry for many years. He never thought he would be unemployed, but he really lost his job at the end of last year.

From his words, I ca n’t feel the kind of self-confidence in those days, and it was replaced by infinite entanglement and confusion.

I understand his troubles, age, family, and previous status may be the factors that hinder his entrepreneurship. But how can we discover the new continent without letting go of our burdens and without the courage to break through?

In other words, if the previously accumulated experience and resources can be applied to a new field, there may be unexpected gains.

Carol Dweck proposed two modes of thinking in the book “Lifelong Growth”.

  • People with fixed thinking believe that human abilities are innate, and failure is due to their limited abilities.

    • Another growth-thinking person believes that abilities are acquired, and failure is just a way to gain experience through self-growth.

      The key to shaping a growing mindset is the transformation of language habits. For example, when making a mistake, “I made a mistake” can be replaced by “Making a mistake can make me better”; when encountering difficulties, “This is too difficult” can be replaced by “This may take more time to get it done.”

      When you fall into a negative and decadent state due to layoffs, you may wish to use growth thinking to resist the accumulation of negative energy and amplify the pattern to break through the limits, and your life will fly higher and higher.

      How to break the situation in 2 major environments? Seeking breakthroughs in the finale

      During the difficult two months, some people were laid off or cut their salaries. I heard the most saying from them: “Everyone is not easy. I really have no choice but to do so.”

      The sentence I responded the most to was: “In such a big environment, do you need to think about how to break the game?”

      First, use “thinking of dimensionality” to “attack of dimensionality reduction”.

      Sometimes, we often think that we have worked hard enough, but did not get the expected results, and even faced layoffs and unemployment. This is like a donkey that is grinded. Because it is blindfolded, it feels like it has been going forward, but in fact, it is just turning around in place.

      Einstein said that problems that arise at one level of consciousness cannot be solved at the same level. You need to increase one dimension.

      For example, the following problems faced by people in the workplace, what would it look like if they used “thinking thinking” and stood at a higher dimension?

      1. Should I apply for this job? Shengwei thinking: In the long run, what does this job mean for your future development?

      2. Do you want to study MBA? Ascension thinking: Deep down, ask yourself if you are studying MBA to learn more management knowledge or to escape the status quo?

      3. How can I gain the trust of my boss and get a promotion and salary increase? Shengwei thinking: From the perspective of the boss, what do you think is the standard for promotion and salary increase?

      When you are making a decision, add a dimension of thinking. From a longer, deeper, and higher dimension, your decision will be more quality.

      Conversely, when you are doing things, use the most grounded and most effective way to kill the result. This is a “dimensionality reduction attack.”

      Second, use your lever to pry your workplace.

      Archimedes, an ancient Greek physicist: “Give me a fulcrum and I will be able to pry the entire earth.”

      Leverage is everywhere in life, such as bonds, futures, and mortgages are all leveraged behaviors.

      The most intuitive expression of workplace leverage is the cost of work income and input. We can use the formula of “benefit / cost = leverage value” to understand. The most ideal model is to use the minimum cost to pry the maximum Resources to maximize profits.

      In addition to money, “income” also has intangible benefits such as professional accomplishment, social identity, and contacts; and “cost” is what you pay for work, including physical strength, time, skills, and organizational capabilities (management, innovation Etc) Four elements.

      For example, Zhang San went to a food processing factory as a line packer, with a monthly salary of 7,000, which sounds very good. But in the cost of leverage, physical strength may account for 50%, time 40%, skill 10%, and organizational ability 0%.

      The problems exposed by this structure are:

      • Physical strength and time account for most of the proportion, and as age declines, the resources available to both of them are getting less and less.

        • The proportion of skills is too low. If the work of the assembly line is replaced by a robot one day, the packaging skills will not play a role.

        • With zero organizational capability input, there is no accumulation of experience, but this is the resource with the highest leverage in the future.

          The above scenario is just an analogy. For a friend who wants to get out of a predicament, a new business needs a comprehensive analysis, as much as possible the use of resource elements such as technology and organizational capabilities, so that your workplace income will continue to rise.

          Written at the end

          A senior once told me that according to the cold winter every ten years, a person ’s career must encounter at least three to four professional crises.

          If layoffs are inevitable, late encounters are better than early encounters, not to mention that for many young people, their careers are just beginning.

          The layoffs are not terrible. What is terrible is that the outside world is changing dramatically, but you are still indifferent.