Live streaming is not a one-time sale.

Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “Poison Eye” (ID: youhaoxifilm) .

Text | Zhang Na

Edit | Jiang Yuqi

Mr. Luo Yonghao, who was always ridiculed for “doing his job and failing his job,” once again “hit the wall.”

Compared with many previous setbacks, anchor Luo Yonghao’s “new trouble” came earlier: since the first live broadcast of the show began on April 1, the popularity of Luo Yonghao’s live room has been in the past two months “Stable decline”.

When the live show debuted, he had a record of 168 million estimated sales. The peak of the live room was once crowded into 2.9 million people to watch; but every subsequent live broadcast, Lao Luo ’s sales and popularity Both are showing a downward trend. Until the latest 7th live broadcast on May 15th, his single-player estimated sales have fallen to 25.402 million, which is a drop of more than 84% compared to the first show. The peak number of viewers is only 323.3 thousand, and the drop is also more than 88%. .

Behind the data dive, two different voices were surging at the same time.

Some people think that Luo Yonghao ’s own reputation never lacks a topic and a fan base. Even if the sales of the last two have been hovering around 20 million, it is still better than the benefits of most amateur anchors; but others are Constantly singing, criticizing Luo Yonghao’s frequent overturning in the live room, not a competent anchor, the overall decline in data is the best proof of his unsuitability as an anchor.

In the face of two different voices, Luo Yonghao ’s mentality was not bad. He even responded to Weibo ’s evaluation of “Why Luo Yonghao always apologizes”: “1. Newcomers who have been in the business for a month will inevitably make some mistakes; 2. Fortunately, I enjoy the attention that does not match the identity of the newcomer. “The implication is that over time, mistakes may gradually decrease.

But does Luo Yonghao really have a chance to be a good anchor?

Practitioners told Poison Eye (WeChat ID: youhaoxifilm) that Luo Yonghao ’s first live broadcast was more like a marketing event. Now the decline in the number of goods delivered is normal in the field of live broadcast. Nowadays, live e-commerce is in the air, because celebrity anchors naturally have the blessing of traffic and topics. During the first show, the platform will often make every effort to promote exposure, and “generally in 2-2The live broadcast data of 0 games is the true manifestation of the anchors “.

This also means that when the topic of “Hammer Technology Founder, New Oriental Star Lecturer” and other topics have disappeared, the imagination for “Anchor Luo Yonghao” may not be that large. An e-commerce person told Drug Eyes: “If he fails to turn his own fans into consumer users within a certain period of time, he does not have the same staffing and supply advantages as other live broadcasts. In the future, he will not be ruled out by the platform. Maybe. “

This is not just Luo Yonghao’s problem. In the past two months, from CEO anchors such as Dong Mingzhu and Liang Jianzhang to cross-border star anchors such as Chen He, these celebrities who were originally in multiple fields have all aimed at the dividends of live broadcast e-commerce. However, each of the “big stars” in it wants to eat this cake, there are still many problems to be solved.

Entering this Vanity Fair, they must obey the new rules of the game. Problems such as professional barriers, loss of traffic, and supply of goods will be “fair” in front of every celebrity anchor.

Is this anchor dead?

“3, 2, 1, go to the CEO”, “friends who have nothing to do, you can reward first.”

After several attempts, the anchor Luo Yonghao has become more handy from the embarrassment of the first period. Not only has he gradually tightened the rhythm of selling goods, but he has also become more good at it. Many fans have commented that , “The familiar old Luo is back.” Everything seems to be on the right track, in line with many fans’ predictions.

But in fact, this change did not earn him more popularity. The unprecedented debut was instead one of his few highlight moments. The poison eye saw in the new shaking data that since the second live broadcast, the estimated sales of Lao Luo’s live room had a downward trend. Only in the third game, there was a rebound and the estimated sales revenue of 57.159 million. This is also the highest score in these seven live broadcasts except for the first show.

However, it is difficult to “give credit” to Luo Yonghao for the third growth. Because on the day of the live broadcast, OnePlus Mobile held an online press conference, and then directly embedded new products in the Lao Luo live room, the launch of the OnePlus 8 series 5G flagship mobile phone also became the product with the highest total sales price of the live broadcast. And contributed a total of more than 41.6 million sales, accounting for almost 70% of the overall results.

Sales of OnePlus 8 Series 5G flagship mobile phones after Luo Yonghao’s live broadcast (Source: New Shake)

However, during the period when Lao Luo ’s estimated sales were gradually declining, Weiya and Li Jiaqi of Taobao live broadcast had multiple results of more than 50 million in a single game. In cooperation with Dong Mingzhu to create a special Gree Electric Apparatus, live broadcast data of more than 300 million in a single show also appeared. If measured by the “head anchor” standard, Lao Luo’s current ability to carry goods still has some gaps with the real head.

In addition to sales data, the decline also appears in the number of views. On the Internet, many Luo Yonghao fans ridiculed that even if they did n’t buy anything, they would spend time listening to Lao Luo ’s crosstalk, but in addition to the high point of 48.921 million cumulative views during the first live broadcast, the cumulative viewing of the first four The number of times has basically remained between 8 million and 12 million, and the figures for the last two games have fallen to 5.96 million and 6.91 million.

“Lao Luo’s shipment data has now basically stabilized.” According to a person in charge of the MCN organization, when Douyin reduced the traffic flow of Luo Yonghao’s live broadcast room, it was difficult to have another live broadcast popularity. The explosive rise. The peak number of online people in recent live broadcasts has remained at around 300,000, which is considered to be in a stable range.

There is also evidence of Luo Yonghao ’s decline in popularity, that is, the reduction in the amount of rewards. Due to the gimmicks of the first show, Lao Luo’s first live broadcast of the number of sound waves reached 36.372 million (1 yuan is equal to 10 sound waves), which also shows another dark battle in the live room about the ranking of the sound waves list- —Many anchors hope to attract the attention of users in the live broadcast room by swiping the wave to occupy the first place.

Even if the number of gifts in the second gift dropped by 77% month-on-month, there are still two “rich wives” in the gift list (see