Directly has provided Q & A services to over 20,000 customers.

According to Foreign media reported that US Directly completed US $ 11 million in Series B financing, led by Triangle Peak Partners and Toba Capital , Existing investors Samsung NEXT, Microsoft’s M12 Ventures, Industry Ventures, True Ventures, Costanoa Ventures and Northgate participated. Prior to this, the company also completed two rounds of B financing, respectively in January this year and 2018 raised 20 million US dollars, plus this round of financing, the company’s B round of financing raised a total of 51 million US dollars.

Directly is a company that provides customer service outsourcing. Founded in 2011 and headquartered in San Francisco, the United States was co-founded by Antony Brydon, Jean Tessier and Jeff Patterson.

The company outsources customer service to Dircetly, and then Directly can connect professionals to communicate with the company ’s customers. When corporate customers ask questions on the website, the system automatically analyzes the questions and then matches experts in related fields to answer the questions. Experts can answer questions on the platform once they receive a mobile phone text message reminder. Most questions will receive a reply within a few hours. If the user is satisfied with the answer, you can follow the responder.

Directly official website

Directly will select high-quality content for payment, the questioner can also directly give the pricing that can be afforded, and then those who have the ability to solveAnd experts who think the price meets the expected value can answer. For corporate customers, the problem can be solved; for experts, the income can be obtained by answering questions on the platform. These experts who help customers answer questions are authoritative, some are partners of the company mentioned in the question, and some are investors. The answerer may not use real information .

So far, Directly has provided question-and-answer services for over 20,000 customers, reducing the operating costs of enterprises in customer service.

In the field of intelligent customer service, Leyan Technology and Artificial Solutions etc. Leyan Technology is a company that provides intelligent customer service solutions for e-commerce. The company mainly provides intelligent customer service system services for B-end e-commerce companies. Artificial Solution provides customers with an end-to-end intelligent AI dialogue solution, mainly serving B2C customers. The key industries to be promoted are the financial industry, telecommunications industry, automobile industry, retail industry, and public utilities.