On the charging model, registered students who fail the exam will receive full tuition refund.

The users of “Wendu Guanlian Hospital” are mainly adult groups aged 25-36 and 42-45. At present, the MBA program accounts for 50%, and the course fee is about 45 yuan per class hour. In 2019, it will serve about 1,000 students.

All online education brands are facing the problem of soaring customer acquisition costs. There are two main methods of “Wendu Guanlianyuan”. One is to conduct in-depth experience camps, such as pricing 9 yuan and 9 yuan, and 1 yuan for 5 days of live broadcast trial classes. The other is based on more accurate crowd portraits for external information flow.

The focus of the team ’s work this year will be on improving the level of lecturers, subdividing user portraits, and improving the match between lecturers and students.