On May 29, the State Council Information Office asked Sun Guojun, a member of the drafting group of the “Government Work Report” and a member of the Party Group of the State Council Research Office, to interpret the revision of the “Government Work Report” and answer questions from reporters.

Sun Guojun said that compared with previous years, the opinions of supplementary content are mostly, which is a feature of this year. The amendments mainly focused on the protection of people’s livelihood, epidemic prevention and control, macro-policy, investment and consumption, ecological and environmental protection, agricultural production, and technological innovation. Two-thirds of the supplementary amendments are directly related to people’s livelihood and employment, which is another major feature of this year’s revised report.

We sort out the opinions and suggestions of the representatives. Compared with previous years, the opinions of supplementary content are mostly, which is a feature of this year. The amendments mainly focused on the protection of people’s livelihood, epidemic prevention and control, macro-policy, investment and consumption, ecological and environmental protection, agricultural production, and technological innovation. Two-thirds of the supplementary amendments are directly related to people’s livelihood and employment, which is another major feature of this year’s revised report.

For example, the eighth part of the report, that is, the part to protect and improve people ’s livelihood, has revised 31 places, accounting for more than one-third.

In the aspect of public health system, it supplements “strengthening capacity building for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases”, “accelerating the construction of public health talent team”, “spreading health knowledge and promoting a healthy and civilized lifestyle “.

In terms of basic medical services, it supplements “deepening the comprehensive reform of public hospitals”, “developing” Internet + medical health “”, “building regional medical centers” and “improving urban and rural community medical care” “Service capacity”, “promotion of graded diagnosis and treatment”, “strengthening integration of Chinese and Western medicine”, “building a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients” and other expressions.

In terms of education, it supplements “adherence to the principle of standing up morals”, “improving compulsory education enrollment policies for children who move with each other”, “development of inclusive preschool education”, ” Promote the connotative development of higher education, “support the development of universities in the Midwest”, “develop vocational education”, “strengthen the construction of the teaching staff”, “promote education informatization” and other expressions.

In terms of basic people ’s livelihood protection, it supplements the “realization of provincial employees’ basic pension insurance fund for unified collection and expenditure of the enterprise ’s basic pension insurance fund, raising the proportion of central adjustments ”, and“ improving the social assistance system ” Etc.

In terms of social governance, it supplements the expressions of “strengthening rural governance” and “resolving conflicts and disputes properly”.

The changes in other parts are mainly about people ’s livelihood.