Image byAlexas_Fotos fromPixabay, this article comes from the WeChat public account: caoz ’s dream (ID: caozsay) , author: caoz

I have written an article about sideline business before “Are you suitable for sideline business?” “.

In fact, the old text is very clear. Suggestions that have not been read are read again, and half of the words are not outdated. But there are still many people who will ask about the sideline related topics, and many people want me to give sideline lectures. To tell the truth, just send me money in a hurry.

A practical seminar on sideline business, the audience is absolutely wide, I can talk about a lot of cases, and have a halo of successful experience, it sounds beautiful, right, why not talk about it, the end of last year ’s welfare class, the most popular among planet users This is also the case, but I finally decided to teach workplace courses.

Why? In order to be responsible to the reader.

The vast majority of people only see the profit of sideline making and ignore the cost. In fact, this cost is very, very huge.

First, many sideline training and so-called sideline project incubation are harvesting you. What they earn is the tuition you are eager to earn from sideline work.

Many successful cases are not reproducible, not to mention that many successful cases in various sideline training courses are false at all, and the amount of brushing and brushing is fooling you, making you think they have dragon killing skills.

After you finish the study, go for it. One of the 10 students may not be able to earn tuition fees.

Second, the cost of time and energy is huge.

So I tell you that if you put in some money, you can lie down and distribute your money. One of them is a liar, unless it ’s your parents!

You may think, alas, my sideline business has made money. It is worth the time and energy invested to earn a small profit. Do you know how much you can earn by taking a few more steps in the workplace?

Three, workplace credit losses are extremely large.

A lot of people do n’t have this concept. As long as you have a sideline, I ask you whether you need a circle of friends, whether you want to set up a circle of friends. Every day you show your products, sometimes it is said that this thing is particularly profitable, and the wealth of the show is value-added. You know that this data is fake. PS, what do your colleagues and boss think, they can’t see it? If you set up a group, there is no cross propagation? They think you have made a lot of money outside, and they will blame all possible problems in your work on your sideline work! You will lose the trust of the team and the opportunity for promotion and salary increase!

You say that your sideline business is completely out of the circle of friends and your own social network. Do you think it is possible? Where do your seed users come from?

Once your colleagues and bosses know that you have a side job, their trust in you will plummet, and your career opportunities will be greatly affected.

Unless anything, unless I say it, it is closely related to your work goals and will be of great help to your work business. What is the premise of this is that your main business is very good, and you have the opportunity to say that you can continue to strengthen your main business through side business. For example, many Daniels open online courses to attract talents for the company, increase corporate visibility, and increase talent attractiveness.

Four, the probability of success is extremely low.

Successful sideline jobs are not without, but most of them pay tuition. Not only does the sideline job fail, but it also leads to the stagnation of the full-time job, which is not worth the loss. Even if your sideline earns a small amount of money, in fact, to put it bluntly, most of your cost is still a loss.

I ’m not saying that the sideline business is not worth doing at all. See the link to the old article mentioned above. For some people, the sideline industry does have some value, but for most people, it is only to enhance their competitiveness in the workplace It is more efficient and positive.

I make a comparison. It ’s like young people fighting for a good university. You improve your academic performance. It ’s your main business, and your special hobbies are similar to side business. Do you have any cases? You see Ke Jie entering Tsinghua University, Gu Li entered Tsinghua University, Zhu Chen entered Tsinghua University,Fu Mingxia has also entered Tsinghua University. You said that you can also enter a prestigious school if you cultivate your expertise.

Everyone who enters a prestigious school every year depends on their grades or their specialties. Although the competition pressure is great, which one has the advantage? If you do have special skills, the piano is good at thieves, you can learn chess once, and you wo n’t be able to win all the children around you in a short time; You can go to Bo Te Chang. But what are a lot of people, anyway, their academic performance is not good, I heard that specialty students can enter famous schools, I try to do it, you think!

Sometimes, paying some tuition is not a bad thing. For example, your occupation is Internet products and market operations. You try to do live streaming, self-media, and micro-business. After you try it, you will increase Fans, have a deep understanding of communication and pain points in operations. At this time, you have a clearer understanding of your work and a clearer understanding of your industry. This is a good thing. This tuition fee is paid. It is worthwhile, when you follow up your work, you will better understand the industry ecology and cooperation methods.

For example, if you learn how to write, how to show yourself better, you have learned some skills and experience, can better express information and show your talents, and then use it for your work report, internal sharing in the enterprise, and the industry The keynote speech of the sharing meeting will enhance the industry’s influence and enhance the career opportunities. This tuition is certainly worth it.

If your self-media business starts up during this process, and you find that you have the talents in this respect, it is not impossible to talk about how to turn your side business into a positive one.

But many people think that it is too difficult to make money, and hope that the sideline business has a quick monetization method. If there is a boss and a unit that pays you monthly, you do n’t even think about how to improve your income. You Do you think you can make money by doing a side job?

Frankly, people only like to listen to what they want to hear.

Why do you think I ca n’t?

Why can you write and make money? I ca n’t. Are you afraid that I ’ll grab your job?

Anyone who has a sideline to make money is by my side, you know what a fart.

Well, if the reader has such an idea, the above is all right, just be happy.

This article comes from the WeChat public account: caoz ’s dream (ID: caozsay) , author: caoz