When using electronic devices, I also dim the screen of my mobile phone or laptop.

Then I will make myself a cup of hot tea, meditate for 10 minutes, and then go to bed.

After arriving in bed, I will read with a dim Kindle screen until I find a good time to rest.

3. Plan the morning the day before the next day

When I first tried to get up early, I found that I had been procrastinating, brushing my circle of friends, and looking at other information. Many people failed to get up early in this way.

Planning the morning of the next day one day in advance, so that I know what to do, it helps me a lot. I will start working immediately without wasting any time and energy.

This morning makes me feel very successful and makes me want to stay up early.

4. Do n’t drink coffee after 2pm

This is the rule I made for myself after understanding the effects of caffeine on sleep. I believe this is slightly different for everyone, but it works for me.

5. Exercise during the day

Facts have proved that people who exercise consistently have better sleep quality. I always exercise at a certain time during the day to fatigue myself, plus the other things mentioned above, when I go to bed, I will not have the problem of not being able to sleep.

I ’m not saying that if you want to get up early, you must do these five things, but they really help me a lot. At least, you need an early plan. As for how to plan, you can combine some of my preparation ideas above with your own needs.

10% implementation

The execution part is straightforward.

I will set an alarm clock the night before and say to myself: “I have to get up at 5:30 tomorrow to write.”

Do not skip this step. Although this may sound a bit silly, believe me, mental stimulation will help.

Then, as soon as I heard the alarm in the morning, I got up and left the bedroom immediately. From the moment I reach for the alarm clock, I will keep myself in motion and then get out of bed.

Do n’t lie in bed and watch social media, email, or anything else. All you have to do is get up and leave the bed immediately.

Be sure to give yourself some expectations after waking up. For me, it was a cup of hot coffee before starting work.

10% luck

Although I really want to attribute my success to myself