The title map is from the visual world Country, this article is from WeChat public account: DT Finance (ID: DTcaijing) , the original title “The men ’s and women ’s groups that successfully debuted, what now kind “, author: Dai Zhong, He Shuyao data: Zhou Yu Rui, Ting Yu, editor: He Shuyao, Xiao Tang, design: Zheng Shuya, Qi Zhen

This Saturday, “Youth with You 2” finally ushered in the finals. The same type of female group variety “Creation Camp 2020” also entered the second performance. It is foreseeable that the weekend Weibo search list will soon be contracted by these two programs.

In the past few years, the 101-style variety shows have been out of the circle one after another, and a new round of idol economy has also been born around the loved beans who have been picked.

Compared to the singles, the idols in group battles seem to be more successful in the early stages of their debut. However, judging from the idol groups that have formed a group, some people have soared and become tops, and more members have fallen into the predicament of being tepid and even flopping again as the group’s subsequent popularity drops.

How many successful cases can the idol industry output for us today? What idols can be left in this era? We selected six idol groups from different 101 variety shows (Rocket Girl 101, R1SE, NINEPERCENT, UNINE, New Storm, BlackACE) , Through the comparison of the heat after the formation, subsequent resources and other dimensions, try to explore what is the key link in the star-making chain under the idol industrialization system.

Six successful idol groups, how popular nowadays

The last boom in the domestic draft,