The title map is from Visual China, this article is from WeChat public account: Chaos University (ID: hundun-university) < / a> , respondents: Gao Lin, author: South wood

I have read “A Brief History of Mankind” by Uval Hullali, which mentioned that before the cognitive revolution, there were many different Homo sapiens populations scattered on the mainland in the early days.

For the African Homo sapiens at that time, the concepts of Asia, America, etc. were probably similar to Mars.

What is the reason why our Homo sapiens stands out from the crowd, spreading its leaves on every continent and overriding many species?

You may not believe it-it is the ability to “tell stories”.

The early form of the “storytelling” ability is “gossip”. In ancient times, ancient humans also discussed shortcomings of some parents. Even if there were no words or words at that time, they could convey information through voices and actions. So as to help people exchange interpersonal information, evaluate the people in the organization, and establish a stable and close interpersonal organization.

So, the originally decentralized action gathering race slowly became a group, which can realize the collaboration of more than a dozen people. And this small group’s survivability and fighting index far exceed those of the two partners, but this is not enough.

Next comes the second form of “storytelling”: constructing order from imagination, that is, “making up things that don’t exist”.

Humans can construct things that are beneficial to themselves and pass them on to others, forming a common imagination of people, transcending the bonds of blood, allowing Homo sapiens to form a larger group, and accumulating more expectations and beliefs in the future, thus Only the world has religions, countries, currencies, companies, etc.

So, the author believes that the reason why human beings distinguish animals and have the same creativity as God is because they believe in stories.

The power of storytelling deeply shocked me for the first time.

Chaos University recently interviewed Gao Lin, a “leadership coach” with experience in management and consulting in the world ’s top 500, and talked about the topic of storytelling, combined with her upcoming “Story Power: Using Stories to Decide Critical Moments in Life” This book is organized and shared with everyone today.

“Why not me?”

“Why not me?” Just when I was about to hang up, Lao Zhou suddenly asked me.

I was there for a while, and I didn’t know what to say for a while.

Lao Zhou was one of my very effective subordinates. At that time, I was in charge of my team in Singapore. When discussing the successor, his name appeared many times. Presumably he also thinks that his successor is none other than him. After all, no matter whether it is seniority, ability or attitude, no one can compare with him.

However, when I really choose who will take my place in the Asia Pacific CIO (Chief Information Officer) , he was not selected .

Remember that when I proposed to consider Lao Zhou taking over this position, the big boss frowned and said, “Well, he is very good, but I thought he would report on behalf of our IT team in front of business partners. I was trembling in my heart. “

It ’s true that Lao Zhou ’s work is very good, but every time he does a job report, he can always tell the effect of 80 points for his 120 points.

One year, the big American boss came to Singapore for a meeting. Lao Zhou made a report on behalf of the IT team. He prepared various charts and data, but the following business partners listened absently. He was interrupted before he finished.

At the time, I knew he had screwed it up, but I did n’t expect the big boss to remember it, and I did n’t expect that at this juncture, this problem would ruin his chance of being promoted.

I have had countless experiences in reporting for more than 20 years in my professional life. I have never seen a person go down in peace because of a good report, but I have seen many people like Lao Zhou because of a bad one. Missed a good opportunity.

You might say, this is too unfair!

However, research shows that on average, the boss spends more than 60% of his time on business and 20% of his time with himBoss and client get along. The remaining 20% ​​of the time can be spent on the management team. According to the average management of 6 subordinates per manager, only 3% of the time the manager can spend on you.

Most of their poor 3% of their time is spent listening to your work report.

This is still your immediate boss. If it is a leapfrog boss, the situation is likely to be the same as that of Lao Zhou. His only direct contact with the big boss is that business report.

So it seems like, should we make better use of job reporting opportunities?

Actually, the “Why not me?” situation like Lao Zhou exists in life.

A lot of readers often complain to me, whether they are in a party or in a separate occasion, they are always ignored by people, like a “transparent person”, and then they can only sit silently and listen to people bragging, “Why is it popular?” not me?”.

Furthermore, friends who have participated in interviews are often confused. When answering questions, the interviewer behaves calmly and without any emotional fluctuations. In the end, he is passed away, and people of the same level can be quickly interviewed. Fancy, “Why not me?”


According to my observations, many people who have excellent abilities but are not fancy when reporting, socializing, or interviewing, they often only care about the data, analysis, and reasoning in the conversation, but they ignore the important aspect. –tell a story.

As long as the chat time exceeds one hour, the conversation content must be filled with stories. 70% of the chat content must rely on the story. In the report and interview, the story is refreshing and makes the conversation interesting in an instant. .

It can be said that those who can seize the opportunity to tell stories are bound to take the initiative in the conversation.

The skill of storytelling is seriously underestimated!

You may be wondering, is it not the data and facts that influence people ’s decisions? Can storytelling be important?

Let ’s first look at how people ’s decisions are made in real life.

Our world is becoming more and more complex, and people are receiving more and more information. In such a complex world, we want to persuade others only by linear analysis of data and facts, not to say you Can you understand, even ifIt’s you who understand it. When you talk about it, others may have been attracted to people who are more interesting and humorous.

Whose words sound more reasonable and more interesting, whoever has more say, this is an indisputable reality.

Every day, people ’s decisions are not black or white, or absolute. There are many uncertainties about who gets a salary increase and which product to buy.

When decision makers face uncertainties, in most cases they use intuition to fill in these unknowns. In many cases, we just use data and facts to prove our intuition.

Raj Larnason, a marketing professor at the University of Texas in the United States, once did an interesting experiment. He showed a group of subjects two photos: a fat hen and a skinny rooster. Then divide everyone into two groups.

He told the first group: Fat chickens are naturally free-range and healthier, but not tasty; lean chickens are genetically bred, although they are not healthy, they are delicious. Then tell the second group: Fat chickens are genetically bred and delicious but unhealthy; lean chickens are free-range, although not tasty, but very healthy. Finally, he asked all the subjects: Which one do you choose to eat?

Guess what do everyone say?

The vast majority of subjects chose fat chickens, but this is not the most interesting result. The professor then asked them: why?

The first group said: “Because health is more important than taste.”

The second group said: “Because taste is more important than health.”

Actually, everyone knows that they choose it because they like the appearance of fat chickens. Who would like to eat a thin chicken? However, this is a feeling, so they do n’t mention it at all, and use self-righteous explanations to explain their choices. They clearly made the decision with their heart, and the reason for saying “go brain” was just to find a rational explanation for their decision.

When you use data to explain that plan A is better than plan B, your boss puts out other strange reasons to prove that plan B is better or simply says “Let me think about it again.” As a result, this consideration is no more. Now you know why? Because you always think of using data and facts to persuade his “brain”, but did not touch his “heart”.

So, in the book “New Thinking: Six Capabilities to Win the Future”, Daniel Pink believes that the “concept era” has arrived, and the dominant advantage of left-brain thinking no longer exists.