One day, a truck driver came to the bar and he wanted to drink. At this time, he saw a young man he knew was picking up a bottle of drink to drink. The truck driver grabbed it excitedly and took a sip. Who knows, the guy wept when he saw his drink robbed. The truck driver said: Oh, come on, I’m just kidding. I’ll buy you another bottle of drink. I can’t bear to see you crying alone.
   The boy said quickly: No, no. Today is the worst day of my life. First, I overslept in the morning, so I was late for work. My boss is very angry and angry with me and almost expelled me. But when I got off work, I found that my car was stolen. The police said they could do nothing. I had to call the taxi home, and when the driver left, I remembered leaving my wallet in the taxi.
   After returning home, I opened the door and I found our servant and my wife sleeping on the bed. So, I left home and came to this bar. Just as I was about to end my life, you took away the poison I wanted to drink!