Turning on the TV, a police officer professor is teaching people how to fight SMS fraud. On another channel, experts are detailing the flaws of the new version of the 100 yuan counterfeit banknotes, the simulation of which has caused the banknote detector to take a break; then, the host wondered why cucumbers are all flowery and thorny as brides, the answer is the nourishment of contraceptives . I changed another channel and said two things. One is why the money in the bank card disappeared. Experts reminded that when operating the T machine, you must be alert to suspicious cameras to prevent the password from being phished. The second is the dispute about buying a house. I have to repeat every sentence, every word, every punctuation of the contract…
Okay, I always remember and know it well. Thanks, grateful.
Stand up and bow deeply towards the TV.
We live in danger, we live in Chu Ge.
We are vigilant, angry, walking on thin ice, and living in shock…
Is it a bit tragic?
I think, if I’m a fool, how can I live? With so many traps, so many traps, and so many nets, how can I get rid of the fate of prey?
A real story–
On the square, the little girl and her parents were separated. The plainclothes police came over and said that the children would send you home. The little girl scolded, “Go away, cheat!” The plainclothes police is very Grieved, saying that I am not a liar, I am a policeman, the little girl is more afraid, “Liars say they are policemen!” The police pulled out their documents, you see I am real, the little girl pouting, the small advertisement on the finger rail, ” My mother said that the most deceiving thing is the document.”
A joke–
The thief used the money stolen into the house to buy cigarettes. The cigarettes are fake. The smoker, Lezizi, went to buy fruit, and the scale was black. The fruit merchant went to buy meat for the house and the meat was filled with water. The meat dealer counts the bills, the uniform descends from the sky and is fined. The city management took the fined money to the clinic, and the medicine was expired. The boss of the medicine is preparing to close the phone, the phone rings, and his wife cries out that the house was stolen…
Who brewed such a life and created such logic and games? Who can persuade the other party to change their mind and cancel the peeping look and hungry desire? Who will quell the turmoil that has me in you and you in me? Who planted flowers and plants on the rubbish and mulch for us, and who married the fairy tale for us?
How can we be safe and sound?
Who can invent a kind of hypnosis to let drowsy minds fall asleep as soon as they sprout? Who can design a fence that allows evil and evil together, good and good together? Just like kindergarten, big and big class, small and small combination. Or learn Pinocchio in “Pinocchio”, and the nose swishes out as soon as you move evil thoughts.
Fairytales are fascinating because she has a splendid life formula, simple logic and reliable fate, the future is as bright as tadpoles, and crystal is bright.
Human, when can I send myself back? Is it still possible?