What is the main obstetrics and gynecology

Friends all know that there are many divisional departments in the hospital, among which the obstetrics and gynecology department is one of the most common main departments, but for some female friends, the body When there is a health problem, sometimes it is not known whether it belongs to the diagnosis and treatment of these departments. So, what does the hospital obstetrics and gynecology mainly do?

1. Obstetrics and gynecology is a general term for gynecology and obstetrics. When some large general hospitals have more detailed subdivisions, there will be two clinics for gynecology and obstetrics. Most general hospitals have only one obstetrics and gynecology department. Whether it is gynecology or obstetrics, or obstetrics and gynecology, it is mainly aimed at the diagnosis and treatment of women’s reproductive health, childbirth, and related diseases specific to women.

2. There are many diseases diagnosed and treated in gynecology, such as women with abnormal vaginal discharge, itchy lower body, menstrual disorders, menstrual bleeding, vaginitis, cervicitis, uterus Endometritis, tubal obstruction, abnormal ovarian function, etc., these related diseases can go to the gynecological consultation and can be targeted for treatment under the guidance of a doctor.

3. The obstetrics department mainly conducts prenatal examinations on the arrival of the pre-birth period of women after pregnancy, and arranges hospitalization for delivery, as well as monitoring and nursing before delivery. Caesarean section for some pregnant women who can not be delivered, as well as arrangements for prenatal delivery of pregnant women, and delivery and delivery, and post-natal care, etc., all of which belong to the scope of obstetric work.