It is rumored that a certain floor of a building in Jilong Glass District was once haunted and very fierce. A lot of mages were invited to do this and it could not suppress these evil spirits. So far no one dared to rent this floor as an office.

The strange thing happened a long time ago, the older generation should have some impressions, the situation at that time was just around the building, and did not spread to other areas, as long as you don’t step on it Entering this floor will not encounter any strange things.

At that time, a young girl named Roland Lan was working as a secretary in a company on this floor. Roland Lan had just turned 18 years old and was lucky after completing the Form 5 exam. Finding this job may be due to her young age and insufficient qualifications. She usually does not arrive late and does not leave early. She will also arrive at the company one hour before work hours, and stay a few more hours after work. Come to finish the work, this kind of work attitude of early coming late is very favored by the boss, so Roland Lan worked harder to do a good job. One night, Roland Lan had to work overtime because of the large number of jobs, and she actually felt uncomfortable when she watched her colleagues leave one by one.

When even the boss had to leave, Roland was still unfinished, and he only stayed in the office with a stubborn head. Although I have heard conversations between colleagues before, it seems that there are some unclean things in the office, which is quite scary. However, Roland Lan now only hopes that these are colleagues who came up with it to scare her. I don’t care much in my heart, but I also have to beware of it. I have the courage to patrol from the office and the outside while the time is still early. Did not find anything to follow back to the original position and concentrate on the plan.

The sounds of “de”, “de”, “answer” and “answer” came from the typewriter, and it seemed like a rhythmic musical rhythm to Roland In general, Roland Lanle is in it, the faster the fight, the faster it will be. Until she lost sight of her, she suddenly noticed that there were a pair of eyes staring at her, slowly turning her head to the back and looking at it with alertness, “Huh! It’s nothing!” Start writing.

At this time, the sound of flushing and opening the door suddenly came from the toilet, so Roland Lan jumped up, and when he calmed down, he picked up the iron ruler at the table and walked towards it. Behind. The toilet was dark and not like anyone inside. No one was found when looking around. The shaking hand was pressed towards the light switch. The toilet lit up. After checking, there was no sign of just using it. Roland was gradually returning to the toilet door. Beside, she began to worry because the sound just came out from the toilet side. She was sure that she had made no mistake, but the people in the company were all gone, and she was the only one left. It was impossible for anyone to use it. The toilet! Unless she was herself, she didn’t dare to turn off the lights and ran back to her seat. When she immediately packed her things and planned to go back, strange things happened. First, there was a talk from the boss’s room, and there was something like chewing with sharp objects. Including the strange sound of bones, Roland Lan became more and more afraid, but his feet were so soft that he could not stand up,I can’t say anything if I want to ask for help.

Suddenly there was a deep breathing sound behind him, Roland Lan was almost numb at this time, and the whole body of chicken skin stood up, could not help but hurry up When I ran to the door and wanted to twist the doorknob and rushed out, I found that the doorknob was gone. I saw that my hand was holding a strange blue and thick hand. This hand was connected to the door, no The head has no body, only one hand sticks out like a doorknob and sticks to the door. Roland Lan almost didn’t faint. When he turned and wanted to run away, he no longer knew when to stand behind some headless, handless, no Scary cyan ghost on the foot.

At this time, Roland Lan could not hold it anymore. Her eyes turned white and she fainted. When she fell, she felt countless hands walking around her.. There is a strange smell around…like bloody smell…the same kind of sound just sounded next to my ear…and this time at such a short distance…then it was unconscious.

When Auntie, who cleaned the next morning, came into the office, she found that Roland Lan’s clothes were lying on the ground like a big character, and her face was pale and soaked. Aunt felt that It was not easy to rush downstairs to inform the guards. When the medical staff arrived, Roland was still awake.

I didn’t see Roland Lan going to work a few days later, and there were rumors that she was sent to a mental hospital for treatment. No one knows what happened to her. What happened was that she met those dirty things. According to the older colleagues, it must have hit the lone ghosts and wild ghosts that were killed by the locust army during the Japanese occupation. After hearing all these rumors, it was horribly disturbing. , Especially women, all overtime discoloration, and the whole company was panic-stricken, the company was forced to resign, but had to relocate to other buildings.

Since then, this place has been vacant, and until another uninformed company rents it, the story begins again.