
The next night, the little ghost followed the big ghost to the road. Sure enough, someone was carrying a large bag of paper money to burn it. To the surprise of the little ghost, the person who came was not the one who walked softly before, but the one who walked “tom tom” later.

The little ghost asked the big ghost in a puzzled way: “Why is this guy here?” The big ghost said with a smile: “Although the man walks softly, but he doesn’t believe in ghosts, even if you take it He tripped, and he thought he was tripped by a rock, and throwing the rock wouldn’t be finished? And this one who walked “tom tom”, don’t look at him walking so loudly, that is he deliberately stepped on the foot To be brave to himself, in fact, he is very timid, even if he tripped by a stone, he would think that we tripped him, he trusted us, so today we will rush to burn paper money for us.”< br>

The devil still doesn’t understand: “So how do you judge whether a person believes us or not?”

The big devil said: “Then rely on You have watched your own words.”

The little devil sighed: “It turns out that being a ghost is more tiring than being a man!”