Knocking on the door desperately, suddenly I patted my shoulder, and I turned around, “Forget your hairpin!”

“I don’t want it!!!”

Although I have seen countless horror stories and reviewed the plot there in my heart countless times at night, but I saw him pale smile in the dark compartment, I can no longer hold myself Will…

When I woke up, I was lying in bed. My friend said that when I came to give me a package yesterday, I was watching me lying downstairs, and I kept asking me what happened. “I don’t know…” I said weakly, “You, drink too much and die!”…

Later, I went to the company he told me Go to find out that he was dead half a year ago. His girlfriend who fell in love with him for a few years abandoned him. He took hold of her girlfriend’s only hairpin and committed suicide one night. I saw that hairpin. , It was exactly the same as the one I used that day (that hairpin was bought from Xiushui Street when I went to Beijing. It was very chic. My friends asked me where I bought it. I was proud to bring it every day), I sighed for him, and at the same time, I was very afraid of it, and I never need to clip my hair again.