I remember that morning, I got on the bus and accidentally saw a female student of Zuoying High School in my school. I glanced at her and I was immediately attracted by her. Her hair was of moderate length. , A bright big eye. When I stared at her, she was inadvertently discovered, so we both bowed our heads in embarrassment. So in the future, when I go to school every day, I will surely catch her time on the bus, in order to see her. After about a week or so, strange things happened, and she was not seen every day.

After another two weeks, I saw her again, but this time it was indeed a sightless, pale-faced woman, and even more surprisingly, she was not under normal conditions. Get off at Zuoying North Station of the bus, and the same will happen in the next few days.

One day, I finished my math and went to eat a big meal, it was already past eight o’clock, so I went to wait for the bus. After a while, the bus came, I got on, and once I got on the bus, I When I saw the girl again, I sat at the end with a blank expression. I was so tired that I sat down and fell asleep. Suddenly, I woke up from my sleep and felt that my breathing was not smooth. My eyes could only be opened slightly, and I could not scream. I was scared and closed my eyes. The strange thing was that when I closed my eyes, I felt uncomfortable. .

I vaguely told me that I was going to stand, so I dared and opened my eyes, but it was fine. But one thing made me dumbfounded again. I saw a man who pinched the female classmate. Suddenly she kept struggling to call. What was ridiculous was that the driver did not look back, so I ran in front of the driver. He said that someone was fighting in the back. The two of us looked back at the same time. At the same time, my hair was standing upright. I saw the female student. I sat back safely and looked at me with a strange look. Man, long gone.

I was so disappointed that I quickly called the driver to stop. I rushed down the car and ran to my house desperately. Suddenly, I saw someone in front of me, pale face, vomit, no, it was her again She was just in front of me, my legs were soft, I knelt down on the ground, and closed my eyes and said that I would give you whatever you want! I have no grievances, why bother? Curiously, after I finished reading, my fear disappeared, and I broke my eyes again, and she disappeared. I went up and down one heart at a time, and walked home. www.guidaye.com

The next Sunday, I had a whimsy and wanted to check it out. So I asked some friends to ask me together, I have already painted her face. A friend asked about it and remembered that she was strangled by a man on the bus a few weeks ago. When I heard about it, I was in a cold sweat.

At night again, I didn’t dare to go out at home, and suddenly I heard someone going upstairs, and it was a cold sweat. The strange thing was that I seemed to see her, and I didn’t seem to see it. Unable to speak, she felt that she came to me, weeping, and said some seemingly nonsense words, but I understood.

The general idea is as follows: “I’m so sorry! Let your spirit be hit! At that time, when I was alive, when I saw you for the first time, I fell in love with you, but I am now…”

Having said that, suddenly I was awake, and since then, no matter what During the day, in the middle of the night, on the road, on the bus. I never saw this girl again…

I wrote it here, cold sweat and direct flow, I will never forget this adventure.