Some time ago, I read a ghost article on the ghost story network (, and said what signs would appear for the appearance of ghosts. One day after reading, that thing happened… Let me first introduce you to a few situations.

1. When you sleep halfway to bed, your body suddenly shakes abruptly. Generally, this phenomenon will occur when we are dreaming. Halfway, suddenly it seems to push something, and then wake up in a confused state. Son fell asleep again. I often have this phenomenon. This shows that something behind you pushes you, it conveys a nerve that allows us to dream, we are equivalent to having its dream, and when it is finished, it will push you to wake you up, this At that time, your IQ is the same as that of babies, you don’t want to think about anything, just want to continue to sleep, so there is something that you didn’t see at the time. This is a good phenomenon. If you open your eyes for more than 5 seconds, then You will see what you should not see.

2. When you watch TV at home, the pet dog next to you suddenly barks at a certain place, then you should pay attention, because the dog will only bark when it sees strangers, so it must have seen something, Of course you can’t see it, because dogs are more sensitive than humans, and there is something nearby that will clearly communicate to its nerves. At this time, you must not look at the place where it looked, and said to the dog fiercely: What do you call, do you see the blood of the dog! “Because the ghost is afraid of the blood of the dog.

3. You have to go to bed at 2 o’clock in the evening and suddenly hear a baby crying out loud next door (or upstairs, around), there must be something to show up, but only you can hear it (because everyone else is sleeping at 2 o’clock) Then you have to be careful, babies are more spiritual than our adults. At this time, you should listen to some music, the more powerful the better (but don’t disturb others, so that you can’t hear that voice)
< br/> 4. You walked alone in a lonely alley at night, and suddenly you saw a man screaming and running wildly, and he gave you a panic glance between them. At this time, you have to pay attention, This person made it clear that you want to attract your attention. When he looks at you, you glance at him fiercely, and then kick the things (dust) under your feet, and keep your head up and keep looking forward.

5. A person walking on the way home, surrounded by a dark paint, suddenly a breeze blowing around, then you should be careful, do not run around, do not scream for help, let alone sing a song of support .Pingping often, as if nothing happened, just keep the state. Let’s talk about these five situations first, and also the five kinds we often encounter. The thing I encountered is the first of them…