1. The first tooth

Mingko has had a quirky hobby since childhood, and likes to collect teeth. Every time I find a tooth, I will pick it up and hide it in a place that only her own talent knows.

She runs a weird shop with a variety of quirky things in the dark shop. But the most attractive thing is that there are many handicrafts made of teeth in the shop. This was done by Akiko himself. Of course, the sharp teeth of animals.

“Can you help me make a necklace pendant with my teeth?” A ghostly voice from www.guidaye.com floated faintly.

A son of Akiko, it turned out to be just a dream. She smirked and got up to drink water.

However, it is strange. Mingzi Hou’s hobby hasn’t been changed, and she always keeps the beautiful teeth she has collected.

A few days ago, she went to the forest on the edge of the city to find some animal teeth, hoping to make more beautiful pendants. But just when she was going back, there was a flash of white flashing in the fascinating afterglow of the setting sun, mixed with the golden red of the sun, and it was particularly dazzling. Mingzi looked closer and turned out to be a human tooth.

What a beautiful tooth this is! There are no stains on the white teeth, and they are bright like glazed white ceramic. Akiko picked up his teeth and squeezed it in his hand, feeling smooth and delicate. Ming Zi sternly stuffed his teeth in his pocket instead of putting them with the teeth of those beasts.

After being awakened by the dream just now, Akiko is already sleepless. She removed the bed board and uncovered a floor in the center, inside which was a rusty tin box. Akiko took the box out. That’s right, this is where she collects her teeth. No one will know, because no one will come to pry the floor under her bed.

Mingko took out that beloved tooth and looked carefully. Suddenly remembered that dream, she thought maybe she could make this tooth the most beautiful pendant in the world. Thinking of this, Akiko immediately started to work in excitement.

Fine drilling. Every time Ming Zi drilled, he had to look again and again to see if it damaged the surface texture of his teeth. When this was done, Akiko chose his favorite chain and put his teeth on.

At midnight, the cold moonlight pours into the mirror of Akiko unselfishly like water.

The dim desk lamp struggled to emit a faint light. Akiko doesn’t like places that are too bright, so this lamp is already the most durable lighting in the house, and Akiko also produced such a mysterious, magical tooth pendant under such a light.

She walked to the mirror and wore the finished work on her beautiful, white neck.

She repeatedly weighed herself in the mirror and that beautiful tooth. Under the reflection of the moonlight, the teeth swayed with charming colors, white and purple, and faint, Seems to be smiling, but just feels weird, a completely different feeling than when he was found in the forest that day. Ming Zi took off the sinker in surprise.

She couldn’t sleep anymore. She fell in love with this tooth in a crazy way. However, it is so lonely, a lonely one hangs in his neck, Akiko wants it perfect, at all costs.

She searched all the teeth in the tin can, but now, these are worthless in her eyes.

Mingko is insomnia. She opened her eyes to the disgusting whiteness of fish outside the window.