Xiao Zhang applied for a qq number, and the screen name was “Desert Eagle”.

Soon after, he met a woman named “Red Dust Love” on the Internet, formerly known as Li Naixin. They had a great conversation.

One day, Xiao Zhang wanted to go to Li Naixin’s house, and Li Naixin also agreed. Li Naixin said that Xiao Zhang would go to 301, 22 Songshan Road the day after tomorrow, that was her home. Rose Road 29 is her place of work. So Xiao Zhang first took a taxi to Li Naixin’s work place.

After arriving, Xiao Zhang said to the gate: “I am looking for Li Naixin.” The gatekeeper replied: “What are you doing with her? Li Naixin is no longer at her job.” Xiao Zhang had no choice but to leave.

Xiao Zhang decided to go to 301, No. 22 Songshan Road, Li Naixin’s house. I took a taxi and asked the driver to go to No. 301, 22 Songshan Road.

The driver said, “What are you doing there?” Xiao Zhang said, “No need to ask, just go.”

< br/> arrived at 301, 22 Songshan Road. But I found there is a residential building, but a grave! ! !

“No. 22, No. 22, found, 201.202.203…301. Ah, what is this!” It turned out to be a woman’s grave. www.guidaye.com

Letter: Li Naixin’s Tomb! Ah, it was a dead man! Xiao Zhang ran away in fright, he drove another taxi, and the driver suddenly changed from male to female. He said to Xiao Zhang: “Mr. Desert Eagle, do you remember me?” Xiao Zhang said : “You are…” Driver: “I am Li Hongxin from “Hong Chen’s Love”!

Xiao Zhang was scared away, but was missing at No. 302, 22 Songshan Road. In Li Naixin’s grave, in 302, Xiao Zhang’s tombstone was found. Xiao Zhang’s body was found in the grave.

(Not all QQ numbers are live, and of course there are… So, you must be careful when choosing QQ friends, otherwise the consequences will be like Xiao Zhang’s end…)