At the foot of Tuoshan Park, there is an outdoor swimming pool. Since the charges are very expensive, I have never been there. It’s just that every time I walk up and down Camel Mountain Park, I pass by this pool. A lesbian table home in high school is not far from the swimming pool, and the window of her bedroom is just facing the swimming pool. The following story is also told to me.

During the second year of high school, I heard that a 16-year-old boy was playing in the swimming pool. He accidentally swam into the deep pool and was drowned because no one noticed the parents waiting for the boy. When I came to the swimming pool to find it, I found that the child had been dead at the bottom of the deep water swimming pool for a while. The parents of the boy wanted to spend money and asked someone to salvage the body of their child, but no one was willing to make the money. The manager of the swimming pool suggested to let the water dry, and then go down to get the body ashore, because he knew that once the matter was spread, the swimming pool would change the water sooner or later. The boy’s parents promised, but when the pool was put too fast, the water flow caused a huge whirlpool, and the boy was sucked into the bottom of the pool. It took a lot of effort. The body was taken in, but the body was already blurred.

The lesbian table said that the night the boy’s body was lifted out of the swimming pool, he fell asleep while sleeping Confusedly, I felt the sound of someone breathing hard on my pillow, and there was the sound of someone turning around on the bed. That night she was terrified enough, hiding under her towel and shaking. After analysis the next day, I thought it might be the soul of the boy who just died. I fell asleep last night and didn’t feel too scared because the boy she knew the same night, but she didn’t feel scared anymore. Fang slept in the middle of his double bed. After a while, it seemed that someone was pushing her and the sound of breathing in his ears was getting louder, so he said impatiently to the other side of the bed: sleep more, don’t occupy my place And also, breathe quieter! After some shouting, no one pushed her anymore and her breathing was much quieter. In this way, the breathing sound on the bed disappeared for seven consecutive days. At the same table, it may be that after the first seven, the soul of the dead boy left.

After one night of self-study, when I finished telling this story at the same table, I was shocked because of the death of the pool. It seems that this thing should really be the fear of looking at me all over the city. The lesbian table said, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have told you that I was scared and replied: No, no . But in fact, I was really intimidated by the self-study that night, and almost ran back home.

The swimming pool is still closed but it seems to be closed because every time I pass by, I don’t see anyone swimming in it, only some dead leaves floating on the water, echoing back and forth with the current.