County, heavy rain, sunset. Thirty-two taxis, motorcycles, and blackhead cars were scattered outside the station.

A bus arrived at the station and immediately flooded the crowd. Those cars were immediately filled with people, goods, and debris, and drove to different destinations.

A thin figure with heavy luggage finally appeared at the gate of the station. He drove the car over and dropped the window.

The girl’s pale face showed the difficulty of the journey, her hair was wet by the rain, and she was very embarrassed. He asked: Where? The girl hesitated, and he immediately said: No car, heavy rain, and less rental.

She still got on the bus. He looked at her secretly, looking like he was in his early twenties, with pale skin and thin skin, and a quiet expression on his quiet face.

“Do you live here?”

The girl shook her head and looked straight ahead.

“Oh, a girl’s house, this point is not very safe, fortunately, I met you, and I promise to deliver it to you safely.”

She turned her head, With a slight smile, beautiful teeth gleamed.

They chatted one after another. He deliberately slowed down, the sky was completely dark, and pedestrians were almost gone. The evil thought penetrated into his brain like night, he couldn’t help glancing at the girl’s white chest, long hands, pink mouth.

The girl did not find anything unusual, but instead lost the previous tension because of the chat. When the car stopped, he ran attentively to open the door for her, embraced her waist tightly, and covered her mouth with one hand. She dragged her into the room easily.