One day I was late from school, so I didn’t catch the bus. I had to wait for the last bus.

  Waited for a long time, and finally a car came over, and I couldn’t wait to get on the bus. A few people, and because it was ten o’clock in the evening, most of them were snoozing. I was also tired for a day, so I closed my eyes as soon as I got on the car and took a break. It was quiet all around, only the sound of the car starting. .

  When the car was halfway through, two men and one woman got on the car. At this time, a few people got out of the car, so only the driver, the ticket seller, and a few guests shared the whole car. Eight people.

  I continued to fall asleep, and suddenly an old man stood up and shouted at me, why are you stealing my wallet??

  ??I am scared I jumped and asked the old man, I have been sleeping. What’s wrong with you? I didn’t steal your wallet!

  It’s you! People don’t have wallets, it’s you. You’re doing it at such a young age. Alas!

  He is so troublesome, everyone around me is looking at me. The tears of my grievances will come out Now, what’s going on! The old man said that if you don’t have a ghost, you should get off the car and check with me! I was just angry and didn’t care about anything, so I got off the car with the old man.

  Get off the car I regret it, what if the old man does something wrong with me? The old man patted me, you don’t know, I saved your life just now!

  What are you talking about! You This old man is sick!

  Did you see that the two men and a woman who came up just now are not humans, they are ghosts!

  What are you talking about nonsense? www.guidaye. com

  They didn’t walk when they got on the bus, but floated up! I saw it with my own eyes, you don’t believe it!   I still don’t believe, the old man smiled and walked away. I think today It was really unlucky. Seeing that it was too late, I called a car to go home.

  I was shocked when I watched TV the next morning. The TV said that there was a car traffic last night. Accidents, no one survived in the car, three people died.

  Could those three people really be ghosts? The purpose of their getting on the car was to find the dead ghost???

  I came out A cold sweat…