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PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel

After reading the above research, those in the business world must have reason to worry. But the conclusion may be extended to more occupations, not just for star entrepreneurs. Scholars at the Retirement Research Center of Boston College have studied more types of jobs, and they found that people from all walks of life, whether police or nurses, are affected considerably by the decline in their occupation due to age.

Another study pointed out that the best-performing home run referees in major league baseball have the worst writing performances, with an average of 23 years younger and 18 years of whistling experience. The average age of the referees who performed the worst is 56.1 years old. With age, the business ability of air traffic controllers has declined significantly, and the related consequences may lead to catastrophes, so that they have to retire at the age of 56. In a word, if your job requires a quick brain turn and good analytical skills, that is, most of the jobs that require university employment. Then your career goes downhill sooner than you think.



If career declines are not only inevitable, but often come earlier than most of us expected, how can we respond? Although there are entire bookshelves in the bookstore, the bookshelves are full of books with titles such as “The Lost Classic of Getting Rich” and “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”. But there is not a row of categories that says “career downhill management”.

But someone once faced his downhill calmly. Think about Bach. In 1685, Bach was born in an outstanding musical family in central Germany. As a musical genius, he quickly emerged. At the age of 65, he composed music for all the instruments that existed at that time and published more than a thousand works. In the early days of his career, Bach was a recognized genius organist, good at improvising. There is a steady stream of invitations to compose music, royal family members frequently come to visit, and young composers have imitated his style.

He enjoys real prestige. But this state did not last long-this was largely due to his own son, Carl Philip Emanuel