This is what a colleague of mine said, he listened to his grandpa.

He is from Hebei. There is a unique earth temple in my hometown. Because the land in this temple has a public name and a surname.

According to ancient legend, Di Gong was a native of the late Ming Dynasty, who was nearly 80 years old. This is a big family in the village, with extremely high popularity. The Manchus entered the customs and killed their village. The villagers all fled up the mountain. Only the family of the land public only allowed his daughter-in-law to take his grandchildren away. The two sons of Lord Land—both scholars. Standing at the entrance of the village holding a steel knife.

Qing Bing looked strange, but immediately followed him, sighing how the two scholars could resist thousands of violent enemies, and thus died in the country. Qing soldiers entered the village, and there was only one person in the village. What’s more, his high-ranking family was the target of looting. The Qing soldiers rushed into his house, and the land public sat in the main room, holding a wine glass in one hand, a book in one hand, and a stove on his lap. The Qing soldiers did not dare to move after seeing it. Call the guide (that is, the traitor interpreter). Seeing him dressed in Han Chinese clothes, the public said, “Tatar has no relationship with people. I didn’t want to waste my tongue. Since you are a Han, why do you recognize the thief as your father? Even if the Hulu is rampant for a while, can he always occupy me? What you did today So, how will you face your children and grandchildren in the future, and what face will you have to see your ancestors after death?” The guide was speechless, and only said: “Old sir, I will take you to their military camp. Don’t talk, I will save Your life.” The landlord laughed, raised his hand and threw the stove underground. It turned out that he had prepared something to start the fire, and the flames of the houses were rising in an instant. The Qing soldiers and their guides could not withdraw. They only listened to the public shouting: “The people of the Ming Dynasty, righteousness shall not be humiliated.”

Qing soldiers go Later, the guide stayed in this village. Tell the story to the returning villagers. The villagers and guides admired the high righteousness of the Lord of the Land, but under the Manchu rule, they could only worship this loyalty in the name of the Temple of the Land.

This is the origin of the earth temple that a colleague said. His story has just begun.

When his grandfather was young, he was catching up with the Anti-Japanese War. The Japanese invaders pursued the national army passing by this earth temple. Suddenly there was a howl from the temple. At night, the Japanese invaders were very suspicious. In short, the Japanese tossed here all night.

It’s dawn, and the small broken earth temple is clear at a glance. Nothing at all. The Japanese invaders were not reconciled. Maybe he thought that there must be a secret in the temple. Dig the ground three feet to find out. After digging for a while, the soldier reported and dug a hole. Shao Zuo was very happy, and took a few officers over to watch. Just walking to the edge of the hole, a puff of air came out. These enemy chieftains turned to the ground and went straight to the hell. The other Japanese bandits were shocked and left in a hurry. Later, a few gendarmes came again, but they didn’t see any fame, and the matter was left alone.

The villagers also went to see the cave, whatNothing but loess. Everyone said that the landlord came to protect the country and the people.

Later, the villagers rebuilt the Temple of Earth which was destroyed by the Japanese invaders. Unfortunately, during the Cultural Revolution, it was dismantled as the Four Olds.