A night with heavy rain. Three men sitting on the sofa in the living room playing ghost cards.

The light of the ceiling lamp in the living room is adjusted to the darkest. Under the withered dim light, the shadow hit the wall. Three people, but only two shadows. The physical effects make this scene look a little weird, but no one is aware of it.

The last person to draw the ghost card is Sun Hao.

Before the game starts, the penalty rules have been set: those who draw a ghost card, immediately go to the only bus stop sign on Shouhe Road after the game is over, and take the last bus of No. 147 tonight.

Regarding the last train of Route 147, there was a horrible car accident.

On the night of January 24 four years ago, it rained heavily. The last bus of Route 147 was packed with people going home, crowded between everyone in the bus, and there was no longer a gap. Despite this, there are still many passengers who can’t get on the bus, holding umbrellas and cursing sighingly in the rain. But 10 minutes later, they all rejoiced that they did not squeeze into the car. Because of that bus, from a broken road where no eye-catching signs were hung, it rushed straight down the Beast River. No one in the car will survive.

The shadow of death hangs over the unlucky day of January 24. Every year thereafter, the last bus of Route 147 is always unattended. Last year, the bus company even stopped its last bus on this day. But for some reason, it only stopped for one year. This year, the bus company resumed the last bus of Route 147 that day.

Sun Hao’s two cohabiting roommates and damaging friends are also very playful.

Wish to accept the bet, Sun Hao resigned and came to the only bus stop sign on Juhe Road. On the wide platform, there was only a middle-aged woman standing there. After seeing Sun Hao, she suddenly looked happy.

The woman walked towards Sun Hao happily and asked: “Young man, do you want to take the last bus of Route 147?”

Sun Hao clicked head.

The joy on the woman’s face is even stronger. She put a pair of shoes into Sun Hao’s hands and said, “Please help me transfer it to my son.”

Before Sun Hao could answer, the woman turned around and walked away.

Sun Hao was stunned. After a while, he looked down at the shoes in his hand. At this look, he instantly turned blue, his eyes protruding, because it was a pair of paper shoes!

Sun Hao threw the paper shoes in his hands to the ground like a ghost.

Soon, the paper shoes were picked up again. The person who picked them up was Roger, one of Sun Hao’s bad friends. Rogge patted Sun Hao’s trembling shoulders, and teased him indifferently: “The last train on Route 147 tonight is not really the last train on the road to Huangquan.? “

Sun Hao’s face became paler.