Children’s mother wrote in front: Why did children’s mothers who always think parent-child relationship is very important publish an article supporting boarding school? And actually said “all my friends who went to boarding school, none of them regretted it”? This is the sharing of philosophy teacher Shiro. It not only contains the story of his friends who went to boarding school, but also talked about a book “Letter to Lily” which is worth reading.

Concepts influence action. After reading this article, an editor of the mother of children’s book even said impulsively: “After reading this article, I regret not sending my daughter to boarding at Beijing Elementary School.”

This article is from WeChat official account: San Chuan Ling (ID: tongshuchubanmama) , author: Chu Shiying Shiro, head Figure from: “Harry Potter” stills screenshots

School is the magic of “space”

When I was working in the rural areas of Myanmar, I saw children in remote villages. Because there was no way to go to school in my hometown, they often left home from the first grade of elementary school to boarding in the city, separated from their parents, and only had long vacations once or twice a year. To go home. There is a similar situation in rural China. The accommodation conditions are usually not good, but it does solve the problem of difficulty in school.

Many of my colleagues in international NGO organizations are children who grew up in such boarding schools. Originally I thought they were unfortunate, but after in-depth communication, I was surprised to postNow-No one said regret, they all emphasized that if it were not for leaving home, they would not have a chance to become what they are now.

In 2017, the Economist magazine published two interesting articles. One was about the education problems faced by rural children in China, and the other was about the analysis of Chinese elite families scrambling to send their children. Enter a boarding school that charges a lot of money.

The article takes children in the mountains of Sichuan as an example. Since there is no school on the mountain, the children need to risk their lives to climb the 800-meter simple ladder to go to and from school, which is very dangerous. Therefore, the school specifically allows children to live in the school and go home every few weeks, but the boarding school here is poor, and the meals are difficult to meet the growth needs of the children.

On the other hand, the parents of wealthy families in the city spared no expense to send their children to boarding schools with good conditions. One example is a boarding school in the suburbs of Beijing. The annual tuition fee is as high as 360,000 RMB, which is more expensive than that of Harvard University in the United States.

These schools not only provide excellent education, but also provide children with the opportunity to study directly overseas. There are also some parents who simply send their children directly to private schools in European and American countries.

But whether it is a simple boarding school or a luxurious boarding school, once the child leaves the barren or extravagant flower pots of his parents, he will be separated from the life of “small potted plants”.

Although most people move out of the traditional, uniform and intensive tea gardens, they may not be able to become “wild tea”, and some will even wither, but if you want to stretch upright, you have to land first. (For discussion of wild tea, please see the article< span class="text-remarks">“Should ordinary children be educated and grown in the mainstream way of the masses?”)

Boarding school-the magic of “opening the distance between parents and children” actually originated from the British invention