Problem description: The hospital was diagnosed with superficial vein thrombosis. It has been onset for 10 days. Currently, I am using magnesium sulfate wet compress, applied with Baidubang and Xiliaotong, oral cephalosporin and Maizhiling, but the effect is not Obviously, the thrombus is painful when standing upright. What other methods can be used to relieve and treat? I don’t really want surgery.
Question date:2020-09-04
Patient information:Age: 40 years old Gender: Male
< b>Problem analysis: Hello, this situation is mainly not to stand for a long time, and do not eat greasy, high-fat, and high-cholesterol foods.
Guide and suggestion: It is recommended to take aspirin enteric-coated tablets in conjunction with Maizhiling tablets for treatment. Usually, be careful not to stand for a long time. If you take medicine, you can only relieve your symptoms. Generally speaking, you can only have surgery if it affects your life.
Recommendations are for reference only, please go to the hospital for detailed examination if the problem is serious