This article is from WeChat official account:Inspector Ma (ID: SXBLG2015), author: Ma Zhenjiang, the original title: “monsters, snow men … hidden in the mysterious biology duo a dream”, the title figure comes from: “a dream Nobita’s dinosaur 2006” screenshot < /span>

Today, Inspector Ma talked with you about a childhood nostalgia topic, Doraemon.

Since the establishment of the account, I know that pure nostalgia must not bring everyone’s interest. So today I write this article, I mainly want to tell you about the “mysterious animals” hidden in “Doraemon” (referring to unknown or rumored creatures).

1. Monsters of the South China Sea

The story begins in the 1970s. On April 29, 1977, a special film “Dreading and Strange Birds” was released in Japan. Judging from the publicity at the time, this movie is bound to be a big deal. The giant ocean beast Plesiosaurus and the sky overlord Pterosaur are about to fight to the death.

It is said that the birth of this movie is a major decision made by the executives of Toei Corporation after studying the style of Western movies. After watching “Jaws” within the company, he was convinced that this style of film would become the future trend.

At that time, the sightings of the Loch Ness monster were well-known to the audience. The film crew mixed the image of the plesiosaur with elements of Japanese culture. It took nearly a year and a half to complete the movie, and every work was not done. Small investment. Among them, 100 million yen was spent on advertising alone.

But at the same time, a mysterious creature also emerged from the waters of New Zealand.

Just 4 days before the movie was released. When a trawler named “Zuiyang Maru” was sailing in the waters east of Christchurch, New Zealand, it accidentally captured a mysterious remains.

The crew lifted the remains with ropes. The sight in front of me was really shocking. This is a corrupt body with a length of 10 meters. People can see that this monster has a small head, a long neck, and four flippers.

Not only that, but the body also exudes a foul smell, and even a white grease-like liquid, dripping on the deck like natto soup, which is really disgusting.

It is said that the scene on the fishing boat was chaotic, but a student named Michihiko Yano noticed the difference.

Yano studied at the Yamaguchi Prefecture Marine School, where he was an intern on a ship as a nutritionist. Seeing the remains of this giant beast, he believed that this species “may not belong to fish or mammals.” In short, it is very valuable for research.

However, under the balance of research and benefits, the captain chose the latter. How could an unknown corpse contaminate the catch on the boat? Throw it back into the sea quickly.

Hearing such an order, Yano immediately dissuaded him, but to no avail. So he hurriedly picked up the camera to photograph and measure the monster, and also took some tissue samples. Immediately afterwards, the smelly body was thrown back into the sea.

Michihiko Yano’s sketch “Suiyang Maru, Containment された Unconfirmed Animals について” (Nippon Marine Society)

A few weeks later, Ruiyang Maru docked in Yokohama. Yano showed his major discovery, which caused a great sensation. Not only the people, but even some scholars believe that this is the remains of a plesiosaur.

As we all know, plesiosaurs were extinct in the Mesozoic. The news is really curious. So the major Japanese newspapers began to publish this news. Some people used this incident to criticize the captain and criticize the current society, believing that this was a Showa tragedy that only cared about economic prosperity and ignored scientific exploration.

Soon, this corpse was named “New Nice”. It means the new Loch Ness monster. The sightings of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland have been revisited by newspapers and magazines.

Even in December of the same year, Osamu Tezuka, the god of comics, drew an imaginary picture of the Loch Ness monster, which was almost a replica of the plesiosaur.