Three-second glue is commonly known as fast glue. It can stick things in three seconds, but three-second glue was a nightmare when I was studying…

At that time I Learning art, one of the courses is basic design, and one of the content is to glue different shapes with cardboard and create beautiful joints.

At that time, the teachers attached great importance to this course. As long as there is a trace of three-second glue at the seam, it will be redone! Therefore, everyone is very intent on sticking to the cardboard, for fear that the glue will penetrate the surface in three seconds with force, and therefore often people are willing to stick their hands and are unwilling to damage the work.

“Ah—” Someone screamed, but no one paid any attention to him. Needless to say, someone stuck their fingers too much because of concentration. The most frequently glued parts when making works are the index finger and thumb. So as long as he heard the scream, someone turned his head and asked him: “Are you okay? Are you okay?”

At this time, the classmate whose fingers were stuck said something was wrong in his mouth, but his fingers were Put in the shape of


When you separate your index finger from your thumb, your skin will tear. At that time, I saw the classmate next to him pull his index finger up and his thumb down…

I saw the skin on his seams Is elongated.

A drop of blood sprayed on my face, and the sticky skin fell on the table. I saw a fingerprint missing from the joint where the classmate’s index finger and thumb stuck.

I looked at him, his tears were about to shed, but he simply tied his fingers with toilet paper and continued to do…

There is an atmosphere of horror in the class, the screams of stuck thumbs, the tearing of forcibly tearing the skin, the ticking of blood…

Do it in these atmospheres It is really painful to produce works…


A sound resounding through the classroom.

Everyone heard it, the sound was not in the classroom. The next thing I heard was panicked screams. The whole class ran out to look, but only saw the teacher sitting on the ground, shaking his body and looking forward…

We looked in the direction of the teacher, the scene was only seen in the movie. We vomited, cried, cried, and screamed. The scene was really impressive—

The entire palm was lacerated due to excessive force, the skin and endothelium were all separated, and the blood vessels Close to the meat, there is still a bright red skin on the ground…

The boy didn’t cry or cry, just looked at the three-second glue on the ground…

No one in the class wantsBy the time he would do that…

He took the three-second glue in his left hand and squeezed out the liquid forcefully, sticking it on his knees, ankles, chest, chin…
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He roared suddenly, and the blood on the floor and torn skin were scattered all over the classroom outside the classroom…

The scene before him was like purgatory, I saw With this scene, I thought of “mercury peeling”, one of the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty…

This course still exists, and many people are still enjoying it…