Problem description: Hello, my right lower abdomen is not always painful, but it hurts from time to time. Sometimes the right back pain reflex pains for almost a month. The stool is still formed but it feels thinner than before. At the beginning, when the pull was finished, the mucus was slippery. Is it colitis or rectal problem? The stool is a bit dark green with yellowish color. I did not go to the hospital for examination.
Date of problem: 2020-09-07
Patient information: Age: 31 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis: The right lower abdomen has a dull pain, not always painful, but sometimes painful , Is it colitis or rectal problem?
Guide and suggestion: If the right lower abdomen has dull pain, often pain, it may be caused by colitis or inflammation of the appendix area, you should go to the hospital for a doctor to check, color Doppler ultrasound and colonoscopy to confirm the diagnosis, do not eat spicy food , Cold food, fecal test to confirm the diagnosis
Suggestions are for reference only, please go to the hospital for detailed examination if the problem is serious