Problem description: The scrotum has been hot and humid for a long time. I used to work under high temperature and not itchy in my underwear, but I started to itch recently, but after taking a bath, wearing underwear in the air conditioner will not itch. What is abnormal, is the urine bifurcation is related to the prostate?
Question date: 2020-09-07
Patient information:Age: Gender: Female
Problem analysis: This situation is indeed directly related to the inflammation of the prostate. It is recommended to wash frequently to keep the area clean and dry.
Guide and suggestion: Change underwear every day and expose to the sun. At the same time, the treatment of prostate inflammation mainly lies in health care not to drink alcohol, not to sit for a long time, and to adhere to appropriate exercise.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection