Hello everyone, I’m Bobo, a small boss who aspires to become a big boss. We have already talked about the third issue of the drink series. Today is the fourth issue. Let’s talk about the back of the explosion of vitality forest.

Speaking of the vitality forest, what was your first reaction, 0 sugar, 0 calories, and 0 fat? Or pseudo-Japanese?

Open the Baidu index and look up relevant data. We can see that starting from the end of April this year, the search index of Yuanqi Forest has risen like a rocket, indicating that this is its real explosion, although this brand has only been established. 4 years, but the fifth round of financing is about to be carried out, and the company’s valuation is expected to reach 14 billion after financing.

Then the question arises, the establishment time is so short, what did Yuanqi Forest do to explode?