Sleepwalking is really a terrible thing. This conclusion was discovered by Duo Lan recently. This finding is very convincing because she herself is sleepwalking.

Duolan’s sleepwalking started from the bed.

This is not surprising, most sleepwalking starts in bed. However, her destination is the balcony. Moreover, it is a gradual process.

On the first day, when she woke up from sleepwalking, she found herself standing outside the bedroom door; on the second day, it was already in the middle of the living room; on the third day, she finally approached Edge of balcony.

On the fourth day, she stood dazedly on the balcony. At this moment, an accident occurred.

On the other side of the balcony, there is an extra person. This person has a fuzzy face, but there is a sense of intimacy in his bones.

Duolan squinted her eyes carefully, and asked, “Who are you?”

She avoided Answer: “Don’t ask who I am. It doesn’t matter. What is important is that I am here to help you.”

“Help me? What can I do for me?” Duo Lanfan Doubts arose.

“What are you going to do now, I will help you do what.”

Duo Lan looked at the glass on the balcony with a sense of understanding “Oh, my glass is a bit dirty. There is a big black shadow outside. I will wipe it off.”

“Then I’m here to help you wipe the glass.” That person He answered without hesitation, making Duo Lan feel very warm. She felt to her heart that wiping the glass was a dangerous thing, let alone in the middle of the night, let alone living on the 19th floor in her own home. It would be great if someone offered to help himself.

So Duolan sighed and handed her the rag decisively. She didn’t know where this rag came from.

The next day, someone found that residents on the nineteenth floor of this building had fallen from their balcony.

Her body fell into a puddle of mud. The only thing clearly identifiable is that her right hand is holding her long hair tightly. It seems that it is a rag.

Sleepwalking is not terrible. The terrible thing is that while sleepwalking, I also suffer from schizophrenia.