Chang Hui and Liang Wen are good brothers. They met in high school. You can wear a pair of pants if you have a good relationship. The friendship has been ten years. It is rarely unpleasant.

Recently, I often see a set of good houses that seem to only make money without losing money. In fact, they are just a trap of the merchants to deceive consumers and make themselves profit. Will lose more. Both Liang Wen and Chang Hui’s girlfriends tried their best to persuade Chang Hui not to buy it, but Chang Hui was stubborn and had a fight with Liang Wen because of this matter. The two have not been in contact for two days. On the third day, Liang Wen received a call from Chang Hui’s girlfriend. The content of the message is: Chang Hui, dead!

Liang Wen, who received the bad news, didn’t know what to do. He didn’t sit or stand. After a long time he settled down, he dialed the phone back again and asked tremblingly. : “Hui…Huizi, how did he die?” He was already in tears! On the other side of the phone, Chang Hui’s girlfriend’s eyes were already a little swollen from crying, and she said slurredly: “No…don’t know…the police didn’t check… it was found…” Don’t know? ! Did the police find out? ! How could the police fail to find out? ! After listening to Liang Wen, he felt like a bolt from the blue! He tried hard to recall the content of their quarrel that day:


“You are too greedy for cheap! How could there be such a thing in the world? Good thing?! You calm down and think about it!”

“I fucking cao your ancestor! What is our ten-year friendship?! Are you reluctant to borrow some money?!” Chang Hui scolded a vulgar word, and the two continued to quarrel, but did not notice that the portrait on the wall had changed…

“Is it easy to make friendship for ten years?! Don’t talk about it. Matter! I only advised you on the basis of our friendship for so many years! If you change a passerby, I don’t have the damn time to persuade him!”

“I will earn money later More! What is it to invest some money in now?! This is called investment!”

“I know! The amount of money you borrowed from me is huge! But I thought about it for you. ! Otherwise, you can get all the money for nothing! What if you lose it? We can’t pay for it if we spend our money!”

“Then I will be responsible for it! Don’t expect You’re here!” After speaking, Chang Hui left without looking back.

After leaving Liang Wen’s house, Chang Hui had a car accident!

He saw an old lady waiting to cross the road. Out of the quality of a young man, he stepped forward to help. Who knows, he was helping the old lady across the road. , They walked well, obviously there is no car, but at this moment, I don’t know where a car appeared. The car was fast, as if the car was about to fly downwind. , I didn’t mean to slow down even when I saw them.Bumped over! Immediately, Chang Hui was hit and flew out! And what about the old lady? It disappeared out of thin air! After Chang Hui woke up, he found that he was fine except for a broken arm and some skin injuries! Strange, how could this be? How can such a high speed be just such a small injury? Returning to the West is normal! The more Chang Hui thought about it, the more things went wrong. Thinking about the old lady’s appearance again, it was even more creepy! That is clearly the appearance of Liang Wenzu’s grandma! How can people disappear out of thin air? Ghosts! Liang Wen’s grandma has passed away for ten years! Chang Hui comforted himself: “I was wrong, and I must be wrong. Yes, yes, I was wrong, where is the ghost in the world? The speed is so fast, of course it suddenly appeared! That old lady Of course I can’t see. I fainted. How could I see? I woke up and there were no witnesses. Who can tell if she left?” But thinking about him, he became even more afraid, because this comfort is fundamental It doesn’t work!

The next day, Chang Hui went to a friend’s apartment, and something went wrong again!

This time, it was a bizarre “suicide”!

When he arrived at the apartment, Chang Hui was under the crowd. Facing the surveillance, he pulled out the knife that he didn’t know when he found it. Ghostly smiled, and slashed his arm! In an instant, the scarlet blood was soaked in the broken bandage and ran down the arm to the ground. Then there was another stab, but the point where the stab fell was on his forehead… He didn’t make a sound,

It’s not that he didn’t want to, But he can’t! His throat seems to be sealed! No matter how struggling to speak, it didn’t help, just like he had never learned to speak, he couldn’t make a sound.

Next, he squatted down, raised his trousers, and slowly plunged into his calf! He turned the handle of the knife to make the blade rotate in the meat, gradually turning out the meat residue… His face covered with bright red liquid was filled with a happy smile-it was not his wishful thinking. However, what people passing by saw was not such a bloody scene, but he was fiddling with a fruit!

A few more dollars. It’s just that these knives are different from the previous ones—these knives formed a rectangle on the calf of Chang Hui’s other leg—he cut off a piece of meat from his calf! Then, he took it to his nose and smelled it, then put it down, and chopped the meat into puree! Then he lay down on the ground, bit by bite, very enjoyable, and ate his own meat! Finally, he smiled satisfied-satisfied, it was time to go on the road.

Then, guess what? He pierced his heart! It’s not over yet, he dug out his heart! He held it in his hand and slowly put it under his feet, stepped on it until it was completely broken before stopping, and then fell to the ground-completely relieved.

People in the monitoring room, meatWith a mortal eye, plus ghost skills, of course, you can’t see what the surveillance is really recording.

The ghost who tortured Changhui to death is exactly in the photo of Liang Wen’s home… Liang Wen’s grandfather and grandma!

Therefore, Liang Wen and Chang Hui’s girlfriends can’t remember who Chang Hui offended by saving money, and what was wrong.

What really triggered this incident was just a swear word—the swear word in the quarrel. Of course, Liang Wen and Chang Hui, a boy of this age, don’t think that a foul language will cause anything, because now they all feel that a foul language is very common, there is nothing special, and I am embarrassed to say it. As everyone knows, Chang Hui’s vulgar words were inadvertently offending Liang Wenna’s grandfather and ancestor, who was very careful during his lifetime, loves to care about others, and likes to hold hatred. When someone is offended, he likes to kill people grandmother.

This passage is only Chang Hui himself, the surveillance of an apartment, the bloody “history” that two ghosts know, Liang Wen, Chang Hui’s girlfriend, the police, and all who want to know The people of this matter will never know.