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Old house of death

In the early winter morning, it gets colder and colder. Wang Ling got up very early, and the world was white and foggy everywhere. In order to collect medicine for the old father who was lying sick in bed, Wang Ling hurried out the door with his sickle on his back, shivering as he walked on the road. When he reached the path near the mountain, he trembled even more,.. Read More

The never-ending stairs

I went to the Agricultural Building on Heping Avenue to meet a client. This building is the oldest building on this street. Compared with the rows of gorgeous buildings next to it, this building looks extremely dilapidated, with only high roofs. The four vigorous and powerful characters “Agricultural Building” seem to illustrate its glorious history. Recently, I have to look twice every time I pass by here, because a tragedy.. Read More

Let me love you with my heart (love ghost story)

Iron came to him. Cheng Tie said that he was going to France, and he might not come to the United States again. He talked a lot about Wu Xinyu. Please take care of her and love her. Cheng Tie said that he and his brother’s voice are very similar. He has already followed his brother’s will, pretending to be his brother and calling Xinyu, deceptively saying that Chenggang does.. Read More

An ancient coin

Every time I pass by Panjiayuan, I can’t help being attracted by the mess of gadgets there and staying for a while. What attracts me the most is those small shops selling antiques. They usually use the ground floor of the old-fashioned wing as the pavement. Although the facade is small, there are often several entrances. The shop is dark and old, and there are often unexpected strange things. Display.. Read More


Dark night, no moon. It’s quiet at night! A few candlelights flickered in an old house, and there was a woman’s sobbing sound intermittently. Can not help but give people a bleak and gloomy feeling! The woman squatted on the ground, as if something was burning? The light of the fire reflected her pale face, and her white outfit made people think of a certain image. At this moment, a.. Read More

Don’t go to the bathroom alone

In addition to our company, there are other companies on the floor where we work, all of which are small departments, and we only have one bathroom on the first floor. At the end of walking outline. There are only two roads to the bathroom, with a washstand in front and a mirror at the door. Usually we are very busy at work. We almost ran to the bathroom. It.. Read More

Cemetery ghost

It’s big, and I’m afraid of it, but I didn’t dare to go back. I had to try my best to get out of this place. It was just a blink of an eye when I went to see the white ghost again. She was gone. After patrolling the surroundings, there seemed to be no movement before he breathed a sigh of relief, and finally ran out of the Martyrs.. Read More

A story of Mingbi

Meng Qiu’s night is mixed with chills, the moonlight is hazy with frost, and the lovesickness in the night charm, jumping under the moonlight, always makes people palpitate. “Spray—chick!” In the cold night, the gambling shivered and got up all over. Tonight, it was another unlucky night for him. He had just collapsed from the gaming table and looked haggard. His eyes were flaming with gold stars, but now they.. Read More


br/> My wife fainted on the spot and was dragged back to the house by his daughter-in-law; Lao Hu’s son was bolder, he shouted at Lao Hu, “Father, father, those are all sorghum, you don’t Chop it, go back to the house! This is someone doing magic!”

Unfulfilled wish

After a long time, she handed Zhong You a check and said: “Your house is now a luxury villa. There are thirty million on it, so save some flowers.” Zhong You was greatly moved: “Girl, go and practice, I won’t bother you anymore.” Since then, Zhong You has lived a rich life, and his wife has come to the door again to clock this ungrateful woman. Friends naturally dismissed it… Read More