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What is the cause of insomnia after swimming

Swimming is a sport that is good for your health. Many people like to enhance their physical fitness through swimming, reduce fat and lose weight, but some friends who like swimming are doing this sport. Later, insomnia often occurred. So what causes insomnia after swimming? Insomnia occurs after swimming, mainly due to mental excitement, which causes the cerebral cortex nerves to generalize, so that it cannot enter the sleep state,.. Read More

Can you eat red dates during the menstrual period

When the physiology is reached, women must take good care of their bodies. And pay attention to your diet, do not eat irritating food, so as not to aggravate the dysmenorrhea. Some girls feel that a lot of blood will be lost in the body during the menstrual period, and they want to eat a little red dates for blood. Can you eat red dates during the menstrual period? A.. Read More

Can you eat too much candy

Candies are excellent snacks that have been received by children The welcome of the group, even many adults have a special liking for certain flavors of candy. After all, it is really not easy to eat a flavor other than candy, so can you eat more candy? Ca n’t eat too much candy, because not only There is a lot of sugar, and there are many kinds of saccharin, additives,.. Read More

Can a woman eat a cock

The protein content in chicken is very high, without too much fat. Friends who are afraid of fat can eat a little chicken and add protein. Chickens are different from cocks and hens. Roosters are more chewy than hens and have a good taste. So, can women eat roosters? Some places have a saying that women should not eat roosters. This kind of saying has no scientific justification. If women.. Read More

Can Diphtheria Red Buttocks Eat

People ca n’t just eat vegetarian food, they should eat a little meat. If a person only eats vegetarian food and does not eat any meat, it is easy to suffer from protein deficiency, which will affect the health of the body. Diphtheria red-billed bulbul is a common ingredient. So, can the diphtheria red-billed bulbul eat it? Diphtheria red-billed bulbul is a common bird food. It’s better not to eat.. Read More

Can genetically modified oil be eaten

No matter what food you eat, people are now paying attention to health and safety. The safety of diet is indeed very important, and cooking oil is usually used. Edible oil is divided into genetically modified oil and non-genetically modified oil, so can genetically modified oil be eaten? Will there be any bad effects? You can eat genetically modified oil with confidence. Be aware that genetically modified foods are not.. Read More

Lychee can not eat

After eating the meat of litchi, there will still be litchi cores in the face. Many people do n’t know if they can eat it because it bites hard Hard. Some people think that the litchi core cannot be eaten, and eating the litchi core will definitely bring indigestion to the stomach. So, can the litchi core be eaten? Litchi core is a kind of Chinese medicinal material, it is.. Read More

Can pepper be eaten

Zanthoxylum bungeanum is a common seasoning for everyone, it tastes very numb but also very Fragrant, people often put some peppercorns when cooking, or when stewing meat, can remove the fishy smell, can play a role in seasoning, and make the food more delicious. So, can peppercorns be eaten? Zanthoxylum bungeanum is a kind of mild food that can be eaten. Zanthoxylum bungeanum tastes very numb. People with severe moisture.. Read More

Can a woman eat rabbit meat

Rabbit is a kind of meat with low fat, low cholesterol and high protein. Rabbit meat contains much higher protein than many meats. Its fat and cholesterol levels are lower than other meats. Many people who want to lose weight or have cardiovascular disease can eat rabbit meat. So, can a woman eat rabbit meat? Women can eat rabbit meat. Rabbit meat is highly nutritious. Girls can also be beauty.. Read More

Can children eat dog meat

Children ’s dietary health has received special attention from parents, and many parents focus on children ’s diet It is a painstaking effort. I am afraid that my child will not be able to keep up with my diet, which will cause my child ’s malnutrition and delay my child ’s normal development. So, can children eat dog meat? Dog meat is a hot food, and it is also a.. Read More