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Hello doctor, I have been diabetic for many years, and I have been diagnosed with sepsis, blood

Problem description: Hello doctor, I have diabetes for many years, and I have been diagnosed with sepsis, blood infection bacteria and right hand osteomyelitis. Can your hospital treat it?The date of the problem :2021-01-06 Patient information:Age: 47 years old Gender: MaleProblem analysis:From your description Look, your osteomyelitis should belong to chronic osteomyelitis. Chronic osteomyelitis, the disease itself is not easy to cure. Coupled with diabetes, chronic osteomyelitis is more difficult.. Read More

The doctor is good. My son went to see a doctor in the morning. He coughed.

Problem description: The doctor is good. My son went to see a doctor in the morning. He coughed. The doctor said it was because of phlegm and cough, which would cause dampness and heat. Question date:2021-01-06 Patient information:Age: 45 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: Hello, consider your child’s bronchitis based on your description. Guide and suggestion: Tremella is a phlegm-producing thing, and can help dampness and phlegm. Brown sugar jujube.. Read More

Itching all the time is uncomfortable! It’s not good after applying ointment

Problem description: Itching all the time, it’s hard to feel! It’s not good after applying ointment.Question date: 2021-01-06 Patient information:Age: 20 years old Gender: Male< b>Problem analysis: The patient needs to figure out what causes the itching of the skin, whether it is eating some food that is not commonly eaten, or smelling a special smell, or you have replaced new underwear, or you Smear some particularly pungent odors, creams.. Read More

The wild dog touched my underwear. Will there be rabies virus on the underwear? The underwear is unwashed

Problem description: The wild dog touched my underwear. Will there be rabies virus on the underwear? Can I continue to wear the underwear without washing? Should I wash my underwear immediately? Long pants must also be washed immediately? Question date:2021-01-06 Patient information:Age: 50 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: The wild dog touched the patient’s pants. Can you wear it without washing it? Guide suggestion: You can continue to wear it,.. Read More

Hello, I personally have a history of masturbation, and I am a bit unable to get an erection recently, sometimes

Problem description: Hello, I personally have a history of masturbation, and I have been unable to get an erection recently. Sometimes the erection is not very hard and it does not last long. I have done a b-ultrasound and urine test before, and both are abnormal. Question date:2021-01-06 Patient information:Age: 24 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to the description of your condition, it is necessary to give up.. Read More

When I found out, I was in junior high school. I was still in my freshman year. I don’t know if there is any

Problem description: I was in junior high school when I discovered it. I was still in the freshman year. I don’t know if there is any in elementary school.Date of the problem:2021-01-06 Patient information:Age: 20 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: Black spots on the lips, in most cases, are caused by melanin, which may be black Moles, usually benign tumors, have a small chance of turning into malignant tumors.Guidelines: According.. Read More

No symptoms, I used to wash the glans with potassium permanganate

Description of the problem: There are no symptoms. I used to wash the glans with potassium permanganate.Date of the problem: 2021-01-06 Patient Information: Age: 30 years old Gender: MaleProblem analysis: Hello, according to your description, I don’t know what question you want to consult. Guide suggestion: It is recommended that you describe the condition in detail, which is more conducive to the doctor’s guidance. Recommendations are for reference only. If.. Read More

Always feel contradictory in my heart, low self-esteem, very low self-esteem, uncomfortable

Problem description: I always feel contradictory in my heart, low self-esteem, very low self-esteem, uncomfortable in my heart, shadow in my heart, very fearful, very depressed, extremely fearful. Question date:2021-01-06 Patient information:Age: 17 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: Hello, consider that this situation needs to be actively faced and dealt with according to your description of the condition. Guiding suggestions: It is recommended that you can communicate with your family.. Read More

I was five months pregnant and just accidentally entered the ct room and stood for a minute when the door closed

Problem description: I have been pregnant for five months. I just accidentally entered the ct room and stood for a minute. I came out when the door closed. Does it affectDate of the problem: 2021-01-06 Patient information: Age: 23 years old Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: Your situation should be your family members doing it ct, and then you came out just when it was about to be checked. That’s okay. CT.. Read More

How long is the protection period of rabies vaccine booster? I 2019

Question description: How long is the protection period of the booster injection of rabies vaccine? How long is the protection period of my booster injection of rabies vaccine in 2019? I received the entire vaccine in June 2019, then 2 booster shots in December 19, and 2 booster shots on September 30, 2020. Do I need to get a booster shot now if my dog ​​breaks it? Question date:2021-01-06 Patient.. Read More