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Do I have to take the protection method for hair transplant?

Problem description: Next week, I want to do hair transplantation. My friend said that after the hair transplantation, I must take care of the method. I don’t understand. Do I have to take care of hair transplants? Date of question: 2020-10-25 Patient information: Age: 32 Gender: MaleHair transplantation does not have to be the law only only. The main protection method is only for temporary hair loss or initial hair.. Read More

Precautions for early gallstones

Problem description: I had a high fever at night, and after I went to the hospital for examination, it was gallstones. What are the precautions for the initial gallstones? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information:Age: 32 Gender: Male At the beginning of gallstones, pay attention to living habits. Usually, we must relieve tension and reduce psychological pressure. At the same time, we must avoid staying up for a long time, and we.. Read More

Can gallstones eat beef jerky

Description of the problem: I started to have a fever at noon, and it was accompanied by abdominal pain. After I went to the hospital, it was gallstones. Can I eat beef jerky? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information:Age: 35 Gender: FemaleGallstones are best not to eat beef dry. Mainly beef jerky contains a lot of cholesterol and fat, which may cause gallbladder stones, even gallbladder stone incarceration, and beef jerky is.. Read More

What to do if gallstones cause fever

Problem description: A colleague started to have a fever when he went to work and went to the hospital for an examination. The doctor said it was caused by gallstones. What should I do if the gallstones cause fever? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information: Age: 32 Sex: MaleGallstones can cause fever after Oral anti-fever medication under the guidance of a doctor. It can also be relieved by physical cooling methods at.. Read More

What to do with gallstones indigestion

Problem description: After eating, I felt sick in my stomach and a little pain in my abdomen. After I went to the hospital for examination, it was gallstones. What should I do if my gallstones have indigestion? Date of problem:2020-10-25 Patient information:Age: 45 Gender: FemaleGallstone indigestion can be taken orally Digestive medicine treatment. It can also be relieved by abdominal massage at the same time, massage can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis,.. Read More

What to do if gallstones hurt

Problem description: I have symptoms of persistent high fever and abdominal pain. After I went to the hospital for examination, I found gallstones. What should I do if the gallstones are painful? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information:Age: 34 Gender: FemaleGallstone pain can be taken orally Treatment with steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. Can make the inflammation in the body subsided, and at the same time can also have an analgesic effect… Read More

What is the cause of gallstones and dry mouth

Problem description: My friend told me that I was dry and thirsty all day, and I went to the hospital for an examination. The doctor said it was gallstones after the examination. What is the cause of dry mouth? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information: Age: 36 Gender: MaleGallstones and dry mouth are generally not Causes dry mouth and thirst. Dry mouth and thirst are mostly caused by bile reflux gastritis. During.. Read More

What is going on with gallstones spitting out green water

Problem description: A few hours ago, I started vomiting. The vomit was a green secretion. After I went to the hospital for examination, it was gallstones. What’s wrong with gallstones vomiting green water? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information:Age: 54 Gender: FemaleGallstones spit green water mostly Caused by bile reflux. In the early stage of the onset, it can be treated by oral gastric motility drugs, and it should also be treated.. Read More

What to do if gallstones cause stomach pain

Problem description: I recently lost my appetite, my stomach is bleeding and painful, and I am afraid that it is gallstones. What should I do if the gallstones cause stomach pain? Date of problem:2020-10-25 Patient information: Age: 37 Sex: MaleGallstones can cause stomach pain. Oral anti-inflammatory medication under the guidance of a doctor. It can also be combined with drugs that inhibit gastric acid and protect gastric mucosa. If necessary,.. Read More

What to do with gallstones and yellow urine

Problem description: I have symptoms of yellow urine in the past few days. After I went to the hospital for examination, it was gallstones. What should I do if my urine is yellow? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information:Age: 54 Gender: FemaleGallstones and urine yellow can be seen in the doctor Under the guidance of oral choleretic or anti-infective treatment. Cholestatic drugs can promote bile excretion and relieve symptoms. During the medication.. Read More