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What is the price of mole removal

Problem description: I have a mole on my face. It looks particularly ugly. I want to remove it by laser. How much is the mole removal method? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 23 Gender: FemaleMole removal usually requires 100- About 200 yuan, the price needs to be determined according to the size of the mole and the treatment method selected. Moles can generally be removed by laser. Laser removal of moles.. Read More

Can permanent teeth undergo orthodontic surgery

Problem description: After my child’s permanent teeth were replaced, I found that my child’s teeth were not very neat. Can the permanent teeth undergo orthodontic surgery? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 14 Gender: FemalePermanent teeth can generally be operated on orthodontics , It needs to be decided according to the condition of the child’s teeth. After the permanent teeth are replaced, they can usually be corrected by wearing braces. If it.. Read More

Can permanent teeth undergo orthodontic surgery

Description of the problem: There is a permanent tooth in my tooth, a permanent tooth, can’t the permanent tooth undergo orthodontic surgery? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 27 Gender: FemalePermanent teeth can undergo surgery Abnormal. Because permanent teeth already mean that the teeth have matured, orthodontic surgery can be performed. Permanent teeth can be orthodontic. Orthodontic surgery should be treated as soon as possible. Permanent teeth means that the teeth have.. Read More

Can permanent teeth be operated on orthodontics

Problem description: My child’s permanent teeth are deformed, and I am worried that it will affect normal development. I would like to ask whether permanent teeth can undergo orthodontic surgery? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 12 Gender: FemalePermanent teeth can be operated on orthodontics Yes, for patients with severe deformities, it is recommended to improve them through orthodontic surgery. Patients with permanent tooth deformity can improve the appearance of irregular dentition.. Read More

Can permanent teeth be operated on orthodontics

Problem description: My son is undergoing a tooth replacement period, but the permanent teeth have grown out, or they are not neat. I want to correct them through orthodontic surgery. Can the permanent teeth undergo orthodontic surgery? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 12 Gender: MaleCan permanent teeth undergo orthodontic surgery , Patients need to go to a regular dental hospital for related diagnosis and treatment. Usually when the permanent teeth are.. Read More

Ruby 694 removes brown-cyan mole effect

Problem description: I have a brown-cyan mole under my eyes, which may affect the appearance. I want to use Ruby 694 to remove it. Ruby 694 has the effect of removing brown-cyan moles? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 40 Gender: FemaleRuby 694 has the effect of removing brown and blue moles Generally it is very good, it can be done 3 to 4 times, it can be mentioned to be more.. Read More

Ruby 694 removes brown-cyan mole effect

Problem description: I have a brown-cyan mole on my face. I would like to ask if it can be removed with Ruby 697. What is the effect? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 23 Gender: FemaleAsian skin color is based on Fitzpatrick skin The classification belongs to type III and type IV, and the melanin content in the basal layer of the skin is relatively high. Because of the massive absorption of.. Read More

How is the effect of Ruby 694 in removing brown and blue moles?

Problem description: I found brown-cyan moles on the corners of my eyes. It doesn’t feel particularly good. I want to use ruby ​​laser treatment. How about the effect of Ruby 694 in removing brown-cyan moles? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 24 Gender: FemaleRuby 694 has the effect of removing brown and blue moles It is usually better. This is a relatively safe treatment. The Ruby 694 laser is mainly aimed at.. Read More

How is the effect of Ruby 694 in removing brown and blue moles?

Problem description: I have a brown-cyan mole on my cheek. I plan to use the ruby ​​laser to treat it. How effective is Ruby 694 to remove brown-cyan moles? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 24 Gender: FemaleRuby 694 has the effect of removing brown and blue moles Most of them will be in a state of preference, but they also need to make a decision based on their own situation. Ruby.. Read More

Can red light remove acne marks?

Problem description: I have a lot of acne on my face. I don’t know if it’s a acne during adolescence. I rarely get acne before. I want to get rid of it. I heard that red light can remove acne. Can light remove acne marks? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 25 Gender: FemaleRed and blue acne marks are still It has a certain effect, especially for early acne marks, such as.. Read More