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SF worry about money

The year is sad, and SF has a wave of God. On December 12, SF (Stock Code: 002352) issued the “Announcement on Reduction of Holding Companies’ Convertible Corporate Bonds by Controlling Shareholders”, stating that the controlling shareholder Shenzhen Mingde Holdings Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Mingde Holdings”) On December 10, 2019, through the Shenzhen Stock Exchange trading system, it adopted a bulk trading method to reduce its holding.. Read More

Venture Capital Daily | “Huatian Haifeng” received tens of millions of yuan in Series B financing; “Favorite” sold millions of bottles of apricot peel tea, and “Aishengmei” provided digital orthodontic solutions for the B-end, and it is worth watching today Early projects

“Venture Channel” financing news, as well as early startup projects in various fields we are focusing on. Image source | Unsplash Please check the Venture Capital Daily on December 13. The Venture Capital Daily includes the financing news reported by the “Venture Capital Channel” today, as well as early startup projects in various fields we are focusing on, enjoy ~ Human resources Project report: 「 Joining 」 : Short Video.. Read More

In-depth information | GitHub considers opening a subsidiary in China, but Chinese companies are trying to get rid of them

According to the Financial Times, GitHub is considering setting up a subsidiary in China due to concerns about restrictions from the US government. Text | Daily Business Picks GitHub is considering opening subsidiaries in China, but Chinese companies are looking for ways to get rid of them According to the Financial Times, GitHub is considering setting up a subsidiary in China due to concerns about the restrictions of the US.. Read More

In an era when people are keen to tag, it’s a perfect time for women to be free

Originally from WeChat public account: made (xingshu100) author: Huang Yicheng, the original title:” eat all you want, drowsy sleep, is it really free? ︱ Creating TALK · Qiu Chen, “Photo by, Unsplash In this society, there are too many so-called “good women” standards for women. Good wife and mother, innocence and kindness, independent thinking … too many labels have been attached to women, letting them live in all kinds.. Read More

Shenzhen’s last soil auction this year arrives on schedule

The wonderful “triple shot” of Shenzhen land in 2019. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account: Front News (ID: fengmiannews) , author: Liu Ting, authorized reprint. In 2019, Shenzhen has ushered in a peak of land supply in the past three years. According to Frontier News, the saleable area of ​​land sold in Shenzhen this year was 315,500 square meters, which is 4.5 times the total of.. Read More

Japanese animator survival report

The article is from WeChat public account: three Entertainment (ID: hi3wyu) , of: Wind, Picture from: Visual China Although most Japanese animators are dissatisfied with workload, working hours, and income, they are still full of love and hope for the animation industry. In the past two years, Japanese animation companies have had a hard time. Not long ago, Sanwenyu was in “Japan Animation Company this year: 11 Companies closed down,.. Read More

Rise of the rental fraud industry: Resale after renting a mobile phone, a platform loses nearly 10 million

Author: Russell, the sister, title figure from: Vision China Recent regulations have tightened, credit has shrunk, and the old guys who live exclusively on babbling have become utterly speechless, and have begun to turn their attention to new areas. Credit leasing is becoming their key target. When they committed a crime, they only need to pay a few hundred yuan or even zero down payment, they can take away a.. Read More

800,000, starting price of China’s education arms race

This article is from public number: Everyone-Tencent News (ID: ipress) < span class = "text-remarks">, author: Zhang Mingyang Yangmingshan, title figure from: vision China For the past two days, a member of the Shanghai Academy of Social SciencesThe Institute released a report on the education of primary and secondary school students in Shanghai, which is rich in content, but only one sentence became the topic of the storm: The total.. Read More

Su Hua’s Balance

The title picture comes from: Visual China In the preface of Kushou’s new book, Su Hua mentioned her inner panic. As the founder and CEO of Kuaishou, he has followed a lot of influencers in Kuaishou, but has not seen any of them. He was worried that when he mastered the resources and formulated the rules for the allocation of resources, some people would find them because of the benefits.. Read More

Xie Dong, CTO of IBM Greater China: Reimagining “future AI computing” innovation | Chao Technology

Imaginative reconstruction of “future AI computing” innovation. Editor’s note: Author @ IBM Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, Greater China Dr. Xie Dong, Reprinted with permission. Header & Photo Source | EmTech China It seems that technology and capital are the two main driving forces of the current new business era, as well as the two major directions of our content efforts. “How future technology will develop” has always been the.. Read More