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After 3 years of HR want to transform, what should I do?

How to plan for yourself a life plan? Editor’s note: This article from the micro-channel public number “ Zhaopin HR Association “(ID: clubhr ), by Huang Lanlan. In 2019, it is a cold winter for companies, and HR for the workplace may also be difficult. The company where they work is either implementing layoffs or even letting HR communicate with employees with zero compensation. Either the development of the company.. Read More

Those who walk robots: upload pet souls to the cloud and live together forever

Every Sunday morning, at a cafe in Tokyo, Japan, a group of people will gather here with their pet dogs. The owner usually dresses his dogs carefully, some wearing Hawaiian shirts, some Wearing a pure white veil, and some wearing the same goggles as Snoopy … Dog parties like this are not unusual, but the difference is that all dogs here are actually Robot . The owners of the dogs.. Read More

Dialogue Dingdong, shopping for food Liang Changlin: Everyone has their own stand, but the fresh circuit is not yet dead or alive

ng> Media: Shenzhen is Dingdong’s first cross-regional development city. How is it performing now? Liang Changlin: Shenzhen currently has 60,000 to 70,000 orders per day. We are now the number one in Shenzhen. It only took 4 months for the front warehouse to be covered with Shenzhen, which is currently the fastest in all cities in China with more than 10,000 orders per day. Media: Do you come up with.. Read More

Reenacted “Beautiful Life”: Don’t forget to laugh again if the world is dark again

This article is from the WeChat public account: Looking for the ideal (ID: ikanlixiang) , tells: Liang Wendao, the original title:” Douban 9.5 points, re-screened after more than 20 years: the world Do n’t forget to laugh again, it ’s dark, the title picture comes from: “Beautiful Life” Today, we all face such a crisis-intolerance, too absolute. At such moments, a modest sense of humor is like an antidote that.. Read More

The first town in the country: per capita GDP surpasses Shanghai, what does it rely on?

This article is from the public number: Positive Resolution Bureau (ID: zhengjieclub) < span class = "text-remarks">, author: positive solutions Board, drawing from the title: Figure insects creative ◆ Even if you are an international metropolis, you wo n’t be able to stay on even if you are not aggressive. Even small villages and small towns will have the opportunity to stand on the stage of the times. How much.. Read More

Small satellites like Lego are on mission in space

This article is from the WeChat public account: Interface News (ID: wowjiemian) , author: Xu Shi-chi, from the title figure: Figure insects creative These small, cheap little satellites are connected to each other like Lego and will solve many problems in aviation missions. Recently, North American Grumman, a well-known military manufacturer in the United States, said that a startup, Saturn Satellite Networks, will be the first customer of the rocket.. Read More

Wal-Mart’s e-commerce revolution: the world’s retail first dream comes to life

After 57 years of precipitation, Wal-Mart has the purest new retail genes, and investors’ thinking about investing in Wal-Mart has also transformed from a traditional retail company to an Internet company. Can Wal-Mart’s games in the past few years be successfully realized in the future? Wen / Futu Research Author / eva In July 2017, Alibaba’s Hema Xiansheng opened the door to new Chinese retail for Chinese consumers, and fully.. Read More

Six things you should know before starting your entrepreneurial path

“I want to share with them another way to start a business.” Shenzhen Translation Bureau is a compilation team focusing on technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on introducing new foreign technologies, new perspectives and new trends . Editor’s note: The current cultural tone of entrepreneurship is toxic. When it comes to entrepreneurship, it always seems to be inseparable from busyness and sacrifice. Many mainstream media even use.. Read More

[CES 2020] We experienced Samsung’s new 8K TV, this time you really can’t see the frame

The annual CES Consumer Electronics Show is the first show of various new TV products, but this time the new TV released by Samsung does have a lot of new features. The most worth mentioning is the 8K QLED TV named Q950TS, compared to last year’s Samsung 8K TV , this time Samsung further Reduced the border of the screen, the thickness of the whole machine is reduced to 15mm,.. Read More

How can Weibo, which has been “parasitic” by Xiao Huangwen and gambling, be reduced to a “leek-cut” tool produced in gray?

This article is from the public number: Operation Research Institute (ID: U_quan) a> , author: routine editing unit, the subject map from: creative FIG insect ple / content / 202001/06 / 145812925494.jpg? imageView2 / 2 / w / 1000 / format / jpg / interlace / 1 / q / 85 “data-w =” 320 “data-h =” 318 “> 2) In the name of online earning, convert to the black lottery.. Read More