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IPhone has been used wrong for so many years? Apple says sliding off apps can shorten battery life

This article comes from WeChat public account “Silicon Star” (ID: guixingren123), author CJ, Aifan Authorized release. Mobile users seem to have an instinct that after using an application, the application must be closed. This may be the “trauma response” left in the era of computer stuttering. Many years ago, people who often stuck their computers with several programs running simultaneously had developed this instinctual consciousness: Running multiple programs at the.. Read More

Super View | “No Contact” Raises Industry Barriers Again, How Can the Recruitment Industry Accept?

Look for opportunities in technology and model innovation. Wen | Special Observer Wen Shuang Edit | Huang Zhen 曜 Look at business with perspective. The “Special Observer Settlement” program is now launched, inviting entrepreneurs from various race tracks, business leaders of large companies, and other front-line business leaders to share your entrepreneurial insights, dry goods, methodologies, and industry insight Judgment of trends, looking forward to hearing your voice from the.. Read More

Will changing Disney coach usher in a new era?

This article comes from WeChat public account “One Entertainment Watch” (ID: yiyuguancha), author Huahua, Ai Fan Released with permission. Robert Iger, who has been sitting in Disney’s CEO seat for almost 15 years, finally announced his departure. Previously, his term has been extended four times, the most recent being from June last year to the end of next year. Disney seems to have not found a match. CEO requested by.. Read More

Car 36 people 丨 Gofun travel Tan Yi: time-sharing leasing is the most difficult to do, itself is a restrictive development

Time-sharing is a learning process, and the ultimate mode must be the travel mode. From 2015 to 2017, after time-sharing, car-sharing was finally quiet for two years. Starting from 2018, the startup company Tu Ge has traveled, and Green Dog Rent-a-Car has plunged into the problem of deposit deposits. Companies such as Panda vehicles that are supported by Lifan cars are also difficult to escape. Daimler-Benz’s car2go announced its defeat.. Read More

Chinese buyers are absent in a large area. How can international fashion week sell goods?

This article comes from interface News APP , author: Huang Shan Brand designers and buyers have not been idle, and actively set up online channels to achieve online ordering and sell the goods correctly. With the large absence of Chinese designers, buyers and fashion media, International Fashion Week is being forced to approach the Chinese fashion industry and consumers more proactively. Fashion Weeks around the world are actively cooperating with.. Read More

Cost reduction measures worked, PSA Group’s 2019 net profit increased by 13.2% year-on-year

The profit margin reached 8.5%, a record high. Editor’s note: This article comes from “ Future Car Daily ” (WeChat public account ID: auto-time), author: Jiaoman Ting. Author | Jiao Manting Edit | Li Huanhuan On February 26, PSA Group announced its 2019 performance report. Data show that in 2019, PSA achieved overall operating income of 74.731 billion euros, an increase of 1% year-on-year; operating profit was 4.668 billion euros,.. Read More

With artificial intelligence, the skills of warehouse robots have been improved

With the support of big cows in the field of machine learning, the robot developed by this company can be competent for manual tasks. Shenzhen Translation Bureau is its compilation team, focusing on technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on introducing new foreign technologies, new perspectives and new trends. Editor’s note: It’s not unusual for robots to enter factories and warehouses today. However, most robots are still very.. Read More

The Wolf of Seoul: Zheng Mengjiu

Later, in order to give Hyundai a makeover, Zheng Mengjiu was abnormal and introduced foreign talents. In 2005, Thomas Burkel was dug from BMW, and star designer Peter Hirrier was dug from Volkswagen in 2006. Designs come from European and American design centers. Sometimes in order to improve the design, the design team and the engineer team have their own words. Zheng Mengjiu often chooses to support the design team,.. Read More

After returning to work this year, some workers have not yet come, but robots have come.

The article is from WeChat public account: Atom Think Tank-Tencent News (ID: AtomThinkTank) , of: trickling Although the epidemic is not over, with the decline of newly diagnosed cases and the pressure to resume work and production, fancy “grabbing” wars have begun in various places. In addition to chartered cars, trains, and charter flights, the resumption subsidy policies in various places are dazzling. Travel expenses, money transfers, and extra points.. Read More