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Hong Kong will launch over 100 billion Hong Kong dollar relief measures to subsidize employees in industries affected by the epidemic

On April 8, according to the South China Morning Post, the Hong Kong government will provide a relief plan of more than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars to help businesses and workers affected by the new coronavirus pneumonia (Covid-19) outbreak. It is reported that the size of the subsidy is approximately 3.5% of Hong Kong ’s gross domestic product (GDP), and will be able to subsidize half of the wages.. Read More

The problems facing iQiyi and the long video industry have nothing to do with muddy water

This article comes from the public number: Internet and Entertainment Group (ID: TMTphantom) , author: head of the monster group Pei Pei, from the title figure: depends China Obviously, iQiyi did not conduct financial fraud, and the short report jointly issued by Muddy Water and Wolfpack made no sense. I suggest that Internet professionals, investors, and people who eat melons do n’t have to waste time reading the short report;.. Read More

Curiosity is the “ultimate weapon” for adults to deal with the complex world

Adults need curiosity more than children. God Translation Bureau is its compilation team, focusing on technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on introducing foreign new technologies, new ideas, and new trends. Editor’s note: Curiosity and happiness are mutually reinforcing. When you explore new things because of curiosity, you will forget troubles and anxieties, and when you are happy, you will be more curious about new things. An adult.. Read More

The problems facing iQiyi and the long video industry have nothing to do with muddy water

What is the problem? Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “Internet and Entertainment Monster Group” (ID: TMTphantom) author: Pei Pei head of the monster group. Obviously, iQiyi did not conduct financial fraud, and the short report jointly issued by Muddy Water and Wolfpack made no sense. I suggest that Internet professionals, investors, and people who eat melons do n’t have to waste time reading the short.. Read More

Goldman Sachs intends to set up a “battle preparedness fund” of up to 10 billion US dollars to invest in enterprises in urgent need of funds

At a time when the epidemic-stricken economy has made many companies desperately in need of cash to resist business decline, Goldman Sachs is looking to build a “battle preparedness fund” of up to US $ 10 billion. According to Bloomberg ’s report on April 7, Goldman Sachs intends to raise a fund of US $ 5 billion to US $ 10 billion. According to Julian Salisbury, head of investment at.. Read More

The temperature of bankruptcy law | Can US small business rescue loans be used to restructure financing

On March 27, 2020, the United States passed the largest 2 trillion “economic stimulus bill” (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, CARES Act) in history. In this economic stimulus package, 350 billion US dollars will be used for small business special loans (Paycheck Protection Program, PPP). This is certainly good news for the small and medium-sized American SMEs under the impact of the epidemic. On April 3, 2020, the.. Read More

How should the anxiety of the “Buddhist system” Singapore be resolved after the supply cut off?

This article comes from the WeChat public account: 7 o’clock 5 degrees (ID: Asia7_5) , author: 7:05 degrees, the original title: “” afraid of losing “Singaporeans off for anxiety after wave of panic buying is fresh groceries “Opportunity for distribution”, the first picture is from: the author’s picture in the article (the fresh vegetable and fruit area is empty after being snapped up) The SARS in 2003 made the public’s.. Read More

Popular science: what types of new coronavirus vaccines are under development

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 8 news, the new crown virus is rampant, and the development of related vaccines around the world is intensifying. The new coronavirus vaccine named INO-4800 developed by Inovio Pharmaceuticals of the United States started a phase 1 clinical trial on the 6th. This is following the mRNA-1273 developed by Modena and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. After the “Recombinant New Crown Vaccine”.. Read More

Behind iQiyi’s short sale: Ruixing’s financial fraud incident may cause more Chinese stocks

The confidence crisis caused by financial fraud may affect more companies preparing to go public. Editor’s note: This article is from “Interface News” . Reporter | Xiao Fang Edit | Song Jianan After Rui Xing exposed 2.2 billion yuan in financial fraud, another Chinese stock iqiyi was shorted again. The short agency Wolfpack released a report on April 7 that iQiyi exaggerated its 2019 revenue by 8 billion to 13.. Read More

Internet giant fully overweight Hubei investment: to invest more than 6 billion in the next three years

At the 76th day of the closure of Wuhan in Fengcheng, many companies have announced additional investments in Wuhan and Hubei. On April 8, Jingdong Group announced that it would invest more than 6 billion yuan in Hubei in the next three years, starting with the three major areas of new infrastructure, industrial support, poverty alleviation and agricultural assistance , Launched a series of support measures to comprehensively help Hubei’s.. Read More