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Don’t lose your phone

br>    I couldn’t help but laughed angrily: threatening me, what can you do to me? Isn’t it just a mobile phone? I don’t want it.   At this time, the police phone also called. “We have seized the bank card you mentioned, how can there be any money, bravado, and interfere with our work!”    I quickly explained that the owner of the bank card is a thief, please catch.. Read More

How to reduce white hair

With the rapid development of society nowadays, people’s lives are under increasing pressure. Coupled with a lot of workload, many office workers have developed the habit of staying up late and working overtime. Therefore, there are more and more young people, who are obviously young but have a lot of white hair. So, how to reduce white hair? To reduce the appearance of white hair, we must first develop a.. Read More

Generous gift

It costs 10,000 yuan. To tell you the truth, this sofa cost 25 thousand. “   Wang Weiguo screamed: “You dare to buy a sofa with more than 20,000 yuan! Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang, how much money are you greedy?”    Why do you scold someone when you ask someone to do something? Wang Xiaoming was terrified. Manager Zhang was not annoyed. He even counted his income to Wang Weiguo with.. Read More

6 people support China’s face: not taking pictures of them is negligence

This article is from WeChat official account:one (ID: yitiaotv), self-report: Zhang Tongdao, editor: Ni Chujiao, original title: “CCTV immortal documentary, 6 people support China’s face: if they don’t take them down, it’s negligence”, the first picture comes from: one Why I made this film I am Zhang Tongdao, the director of the documentary “The Hometown of Literature”. We have been shooting this film for two years and we have shot.. Read More

How awesome the “Rolling Stone Records” of the last century is, now young people don’t know it anymore

This article is from WeChat official account:zmr , author: little house, from the title figure: vision China Sing your own song In 1976, Taiwan. Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences (now Tamkang University) has a folk song meeting, “Father of Taiwanese folk songs” Hu Defu was invited Appearance. As a result, on the eve of the stage, Mr. Hu took his girlfriend to eat hot pot, fought with the gangster,.. Read More

Can I drink milk if I eat folic acid?

While women eat folic acid, in order to increase the body’s nutritional status, they often eat some other foods, among which many women choose to eat milk , Because the taste is better and can enhance nutrition, but some women are also worried that if the two substances are mixed together, will there be anything to pay attention to? Can I drink milk if I eat folic acid? In most.. Read More